[ANPPOM-L] CFP: MedRen Conference, July 2006, University of Cambridge

Carlos Palombini palombini em terra.com.br
Seg Out 3 23:05:00 BRT 2005

You are warmly invited to participate in next year's Medieval and 
Renaissance Conference, to be held at the University of Cambridge from 
July 17th  to 20th.

Papers will typically be twenty minutes long, and organised in sessions 
comprising three papers.  The conference has no over-arching theme and 
papers may be on any aspect of pre-Baroque music.  Papers from young and 
from established scholars on any aspect of pre-Baroque music will be 
considered.  The committee would particularly welcome ideas for themed 
sessions comprising three linked presentations.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to 
music em caths.cam.ac.uk as Word attachments by January 17th .

We look forward to welcoming you in July.

Programme Committee:
Sam Barrett
Roger Bowers
Helen Deeming
Iain Fenlon
Susan Rankin
Edward Wickham

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Bonnie Blackburn
67 St Bernard's Road
Oxford OX2 6EJ
tel. +44 (0)1865 552808
fax +44 (0)1865 512237
bonnie.blackburn em wolfson.ox.ac.uk

carlos palombini
centro de pesquisa em música contemporânea
universidade federal de minas gerais
<palombini em terra.com.br>

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