[ANPPOM-L] CFP: Musicological Explorations (journal), Spring 2008

carlos palombini palombini em terra.com.br
Ter Out 30 18:49:25 BRST 2007

The Musicology graduate students of the University of Victoria invite scholars to submit articles for the Spring 2008 volume of Musicological Explorations.

Musicological Explorations' mandate is to provide a forum for scholarly work in musicology and related arts.  The Editorial Board encourages graduate students and other scholars to submit previously unpublished articles on topics of musicology, performance practice, ethnomusicology, music education, and interdisciplinary studies.  Announcements of conferences, symposiums, and other musicological activities in North America are also welcome.

Articles should be between 2000 and 6000 words.  Submissions should be typed, double spaced, single-sided, and sent in triplicate on 8 ½ x 11" paper with standard margins.  A cover letter should accompany the submission.  Submissions are reviewed anonymously; therefore, the author's name should appear only in the cover letter, which should also include the author's e-mail address. Musical examples or other illustrations may appear in the body of the paper or may follow as appendices.  They must be well labeled.  The Editorial Board reserves the right to place these examples as publication layout requires, and to make other editorial suggestions. Contributors are requested to refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed., or to Kate L. Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th ed., for general matters of style and citation.  Titles and foreign terms should be italicized.  Papers are required to possess both footnotes and a bibliography.

If accepted for publication, authors should submit their final draft in electronic format, preferably in Microsoft Word.  Authors should also be prepared to submit a short biography (50-80 words) and an abstract (250 words) for inclusion in the journal.  Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint all copyrighted material.

Deadline for submissions is Friday, January 18, 2008.
Manuscripts should be addressed to:
Musicological Explorations, Managing Editor
School of Music, University of Victoria
PO Box 1700
Victoria, BC, Canada	V8W 2Y2

carlos palombini (dr p)
professor adjunto de musicologia
universidade federal de minas gerais
<cpalombini em gmail.com>

"La terre, elle, ne ment pas." (Philippe Pétain)

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