Leonardo Fuks cyclophonica em yahoo.com
Sáb Jun 21 19:30:49 BRT 2008

Os dois principais periódicos mundiais de acústica como um todo, e em particular de acústica musical, receberam também conceito B. 

Journal of the Acoustic Society of America  B  0001-4966  
Acta Acustica united with Acustica  B  1610-1928  
O nome correto do primeiro é 
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

O referido índice europeu http://www.esf.org/index.php?eID=tx_nawsecuredl&u=0&file=fileadmin/be_user/research_areas/HUM/Documents/ERIH/IL-Scope_notes_Merged/Musico%20M.pdf&t=1214176227&hash=35a6310e08b958941bd61be30a4bb6bd

se propõe, conforme texto abaixo, a  identificar  níveis de excelência nas áreas das HUMANIDADES. Se a acústica musical e sonologia são multidsciplinares/interdisciplinares, não caberia mesmo utilizar apenas um índice puramente humanístico para seu mapeamento. 

Leonardo Fuks
Professor Adjunto da UFRJ- Acústica Musical

European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) is a project jointly sponsored by ESF and the European Commission ERA-Net project “Humanities in the European Research Area” (HERA) (Contract no.: ERAC-CT-2005-0161179). It comes under work-package 7 (Research Infrastructures). The ERIH lists will help identify excellence in Humanities scholarship and should prove useful for the aggregate benchmarking of national research systems, for example, in determining the international standing of the research activity carried out in a given field in a particular country. As they stand, the lists are not a bibliometric tool. The ERIH Steering Committee and the Expert Panels therefore advise against using the lists as the only basis for assessment of individual candidates for positions or promotions or of applicants for research grants. Expert Panel Scope Note: This panel covers scholarly studies worldwide of all aspects and types of music in all periods. It
 does not encompass composition, performance or any other practice-based research. Musicology is therefore taken in its broadest sense to include the study of the following: classical music in its written and non-written forms; popular music; music in connection with theatre, dance, film and other media; theory and analysis; music and science; music technology; acoustics and psychoacoustics; ethnomusicology; music psychology; music education; sociology of music; organology; iconography; aesthetics and philosophy of music; performance practice; music therapy. There may be some overlap with journals assessed by other panels that cover the social and cultural dimensions of music.

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 00:52:24 -0300
From: carlos palombini <palombini em terra.com.br>
To: ANPPOM-L <anppom-l em iar.unicamp.br>
Message-ID: <485C7AF8.2070807 em terra.com.br>
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Obrigado, Carlos!

Interessante: na lista de Musicologia os principais periódicos de música 
e tecnologia, ou sonologia, estão com B.

Computer Music Journal
Journal of New Music Research
Organised Sound
Leonardo Music Journal

Na lista de História da Arte, da Arquitetura e do Design, o _Leonardo_, 
publicação principal do grupo Leonardo, ficou com C.

Na lista de Antropologia (Social), _Ethnomusicology_ ficou com B.

E na lista de Psicologia, _Music Perception_ ficou com B.

A comissão avaliadora de Musicologia foi composta de

Christian Meyer (Chair), CNRS / Université Nancy 2 (FR)
László Dobszay, Institute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy (HU) 
(until August 2006)
William Drabkin, University of Southampton (UK)
Jörn Peter Hiekel, Hochschule für Musik Dresden (DE)
Laurenz Lütteken, Universität Zürich (CH)

Mas a área de musicologia é uma das que não tem "metodologia e resumo do 


> Com algum atraso, reajo ao email do Rogério. Bem que eu suspeitava que 
> não era só no Brasil que existiam listas de periódicos! Acabo de 
> confirmar que a Europa possui uma lista, classificando os periódicos 
> científicos em A, B e C, que tomo a liberdade de anexar a esta 
> mensagem no que se refere à área de Música. Trata-se do European 
> Research Index for the Humanities (ERIH).
> Eis os links:
> http://www.cnrs.fr/shs/recherche/classement-europeen-revues.htm
> http://www.esf.org/research-areas/humanities/research-infrastructures-including-erih/erih-initial-lists.html
carlos palombini
professor adjunto de musicologia, ufmg


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