[ANPPOM-L] Bilbao International Congress about Cultural intangible heritage and Sound and Audiovisual Archives (October 13-16th 2010)

Carlos Palombini cpalombini em gmail.com
Dom Out 10 22:04:58 BRT 2010


We are pleased to announce the Bilbao International Congress about
Cultural intangible heritage and Sound and Audiovisual Archives (October
13-16th 2010).

The Congress is organizaded Txoke! - European Association (EA) for
Investigation, Rescue and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in Bilbao
(Biscay, Basque Country, Spain).

All information in our Website at: http://www.txoke.eu/

List of congressist and abstracts:

The Calenda french cientific events calendar present the congress in the
following Web page :

Thank you.

Best regards.

R. Parejo-Coudert

Ethnomusicologue / Ethnomusicologist / Etnomusicólogo

Anthropologie visuelle et sonore
Visual and Sound Anthropology
Antropología visual y sonora

Archives sonores - Archivos sonoros - Sound Archives

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