[ANPPOM-Lista] nossas universidades tornaram-se fábricas

Marcus S. Wolff m_swolff em hotmail.com
Qua Nov 14 22:51:49 BRST 2012

Que felizardos esses britânicos com seus 12, 13 alunos...enquanto, eu que nunca fui súdito do Império, mas que trabalho nas suas margens distantes tenho nas minhas salas nunca menos de 40, com a certeza de que os tempos das elites coloniais já se foram...rsabsMarcus.

Marcus S. Wolff
Doutor em Comunicação e Semiótica (PUC/SP)
Mestre em História da Cultura (PUC/RJ)
Prof. das faculdades de Música, Comunicação e Pedagogia
da Universidade Candido Mendes, Nova Friburgo - RJ

 Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 12:14:05 -0200
From: cpalombini em gmail.com
To: anppom-l em iar.unicamp.br; sonologia-l em listas.unicamp.br
Subject: [ANPPOM-Lista] nossas universidades tornaram-se fábricas

Há algum tempo, a universidade de Cambridge anunciou o lançamento de um plano de demissões voluntárias, e também, que a média de alunos em sala de aula passaria de seis para doze.

No artigo abaixo, Gordon Campbell, da Academia Britânica, diz que começou sua carreira com uma média de dois alunos em sala de aula, hoje são treze.

Não me queixo, pessoalmente: tenho trinta, e espera-se que eu passe para sessenta. Entendi finalmente o novo slogan de minha instituição: "além dos padrões".


'Our universities have become factories'
A coalition of leading academics and peers gathered last night to launch the 
  Council for the Defence of British Universities. Founding committee member 
  Gordon Campbell explains what is at stake. 

											Council for the Defence of British Universities: universities have become 'enterprises analogous to factories'. Photo: Alamy						

							By Gordon Campbell, Council for the Defence of British Universities
		7:00AM GMT 14 Nov 2012

For many years I have worked at one of the 40 or so universities that describe 
  themselves as a top-20 university. And when I entered the profession, 
  universities – though largely independent of government – were part of the 
  education sector. 

We are now, in the eyes of government, nationalised businesses that exist to 
  serve the economy. The Universities 
  Minister now reports to the Business Secretary, not his counterpart in 
  the Department for Education. 

      Minister David Willetts: 'Education is a great British export industry'

In that time, life has changed utterly for academics and students alike. The 
  value of teaching has been downgraded without mercy, because it attracts no 
  differential funding. When I arrived at my university, we taught our 
  undergraduates in groups of two; the numbers have gradually increased, and 
  now we teach them in groups of 13. This is an efficiency gain. 

But despite these larger classes, which are typical of the sector, standards 
  have risen steadily: when I started we gave a first every other year, and 
  now we give a substantial number of firsts every year. As at other 
  universities, we are urged to give still more firsts in order to be 

We also receive weekly injunctions to apply for grants that those of us in the 
  humanities do not need – grants that will buy us out of teaching, which can 
  be done by an increasingly casualised workforce. Our ability to procure 
  grants is central to our survival as academics. In other words, the value of 
  our research is assessed by the amount of taxpayers' money it has cost. 

So how has this happened? The inappropriate notion that we are businesses was 
  first mooted in the Jarratt Report of 1985, in which we learned that our 
  universities were enterprises analogous to factories and that academics were 
  charged with 'delivering' education, and in that capacity subject to key 
  performance indicators. Students were deemed to be the products of this 
  manufacturing process, and these products were marketed to employers. 


At a later stage, when fees were introduced, students ceased to be products 
  and became customers. As enterprises, our universities were expected to 
  compete against each other. They were also expected to be properly led, and 
  so Vice-Chancellors and Principals acquired executive powers, senates and 
  councils were purged of troublesome academics, and large numbers of managers 
  were hired. 

University councils were reformed to resemble boards of directors, mostly 
  populated by people from a business background; they are people of good will 
  who work pro bono, but apart from the chair and treasurer, the complexities 
  of the modern university are beyond the understanding of most members, and 
  they share a tendency to see universities as Mr Romney viewed the US – as a 
  business in need of downsizing. 

And the hand of government has become gradually heavier. Funding agencies, 
  quality agencies and more recently the Office of Fair Access have been 
  introduced to monitor all aspects of universities' activities. 

What, as Chernyshevsky and Lenin said, is to be done? It is not enough to cry 
  shame on governments that tax knowledge and heap bureaucracy on academics, 
  or indeed on Vice-Chancellors and Principals who describe themselves as 
  CEOs, pack our universities with managers, and devote their energy to 
  manipulating league tables and chasing brightly-coloured baubles. 

We need, in the first instance, to articulate what has gone wrong, to 
  understand how one of the world's greatest systems of universities has come 
  to be threatened by managerialism and oppressive layers of bureaucracy, a 
  plight that puzzles and disconcerts our academic colleagues all over Europe 
  and the Anglophone world. 

Then we will need policies to commend to this government and its successors, 
  policies based on careful consideration and wide consultation, policies that 
  will return the universities to academics and students, affirm the value of 
  education for citizenship and proclaim the primacy of teaching and research. 
  That is why this Council has been created. 

Professor Gordon Campbell FBA is a member of the Council 
  for the Defence of British Universities steering committee. He is 
  Professor of Renaissance Studies at University of Leicester.
PS Humor britânico: no trem entre Londres e Oxford, o professor A encontra o professor B, recém nomeado pela Universidade de Oxford, e pergunta: "Como vão as coisas?". O professor B responde: "Vão indo: tenho que dar uma aula, mas não é todos os anos".

carlos palombini

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