[ANPPOM-Lista] leeds international research scholarships

Carlos Palombini cpalombini em gmail.com
Ter Abr 1 00:35:16 BRT 2014

Leeds International Research Scholarships Round 2 *University of
Leeds*-Faculty of Performance, Visual Arts & Communications

Session 2014/15

Closing Date:* 16 June 2014*

Applications for Leeds International Research Scholarships (LIRS) to
commence full time PhD research study in any Faculty at the University of
Leeds in January 2015 are invited from high quality international students.
The Scholarships will provide full international fees together with a
maintenance grant of £10,000 per annum.

*University of Leeds* -Faculty of Arts

*Session 2014/15*

*Closing Date 16 June 2014*

Applications for Leeds International Research Scholarships (LIRS) to
commence full time PhD research study in the Faculty of Arts at the
University of Leeds in January 2015 are invited from high quality
international students. The Scholarships will provide full international
fees together with a maintenance grant of £10,000 per annum.

Applicants must have applied for PhD research study and be in receipt of
their Student ID number before they can apply for these scholarships.

carlos palombini
professor de musicologia ufmg
professor colaborador ppgm-unirio
"Naturalmente, é próprio à esta ou àquela categoria de inteligências
vincular-se sobretudo à mudança de direção e insistir na novidade: música
nova ou mesmo já não música --- uma nova arte dos sons
a ser diferentemente nomeada. De modo contrário, outras inteligências, em
certo sentido mais ousadas, assimilam o ponto singular e entendem que,
enriquecida de elementos novos, e principalmente reconsiderada de outra
maneira, ela segue no interior do domínio musical." (Pierre Schaeffer,
"Vers une musique expérimentale", 1953)
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