[ANPPOM-Lista] Queering the Field: Sounding Out Ethnomusicology

Carlos Palombini cpalombini em gmail.com
Seg Set 14 06:38:02 BRT 2015

*Queering the Field: Sounding Out Ethnomusicology*, an edited volume
forthcoming from Oxford University Press.

As the first large-scale study of queer identity politics in
ethnomusicology, *Queering the Field* contributes to a growing body of
research on ethnomusicology’s disciplinary practices. The volume raises two
significant issues: first, ethnomusicology’s normalized approaches to
musical ethnography (fieldwork, methodology, analysis, transcription); and
second, the sexual identities and modes of identification at play in the
ethnmusicological field. Authors expand the critical, social, and
behavioral rubrics of musicality to include categories of play,
performance, masquerade, expression, subjectivity, interiority (and all the
concepts, actions, and habits that inform the production, circulation, and
study of music writ large). Concepts of normativity and deviance will
intersect with new perspectives on institutionalization, discipline, canon,
and everyday habits.


carlos palombini, ph.d. (dunelm)
professor de musicologia ufmg
professor colaborador ppgm-unirio
ufmg.academia.edu/CarlosPalombini <http://goo.gl/KMV98I>
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