[ANPPOM-Lista] Acesso temporário a The Journal of Musicology, Volume 36, no. 4 (Fall 2019)

Martha Tupinambá de Ulhoa mulhoa em unirio.br
Qua Nov 13 22:38:33 -03 2019

The Journal of Musicology, Volume 36, no. 4 has just been published. The
full issue is available online for free for a limited time.

Judith A. Peraino, I’ll Be Your Mixtape: Lou Reed, Andy Warhol, and the
Queer Intimacies of Cassettes
Tom McEnaney, Forgotten Histories of the Audiobook: Tape, Text, Speech, and
Sound from Esteban Montejo and Miguel Barnet’s Biografía de un cimarrón to
Andy Warhol’s a: a novel
Gabrielle Cornish, Music and the Making of the Cosmonaut Everyman
Don Michael Randel, Leander, Isidore, and Gregory

Martha Tupinambá de Ulhôa

+55 21 2287-3775 / celular/WhatsApp: +55 21 99993-3775


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