[FWD cdmc] - 03/2007 -

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Sáb Jan 20 00:25:52 BRST 2007

-FWD cdmc - 03/2007

Centro de Documentacao de Musica Contemporanea

CDMC-Brasil/UNICAMP http://www.unicamp.br/cdmc/
(membro da IAMIC - The International Association of Music Information

Diretora: Profa. Dra. Lenita W. M. Nogueira

Producao e Montagem do FWD cdmc: Denis Koishi (estagiario)



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cdmusica em unicamp.br

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1 -        ASSINATURAS: Banda Sinfonica doEstado de Sao Paulo, temporada
2007 (Jan/2007 - Sao Paulo, SP) <#_Toc156996650>

 2 -        CALL FOR PAPERS: Feminist Theory & Music 9, "Speaking Out of
Place" (01/Fev - Montreal, CANADA) <#_Toc156996651>

3 -        CALL FOR PAPERS: "Music and/as Right Action" (01/Mar - Norwich,
REINO UNIDO) <#_Toc156996652>

4 -        CALL FOR SCORES: 2007 Polyphonos Competition (15/Mai - Seattle,
EUA) <#_Toc156996653>

5 -        CHAMADA DE PROPOSTAS: "PERFORMA - Encontros de Investigacao em
Performance" (28/Fev - Aveiro, PORTUGAL) <#_Toc156996654>

6 -        CONCURSO: Orquestra Sinfonica Brasileira (26 vagas). (02/Mar -
Rio de Janeiro, RJ) <#_Toc156996655>

7 -        EVENTO: Feira Musica Brasil 2007 (07-11/Fev - Recife, PE,

8 -        FESTIVAL: SPOR Festival 2007 (10-13/Mai - Aarhus,

9 -        FESTIVAL: Festival de Inverno de Amparo (Inscricoes 12/Mar -
Amparo, SP, BRASIL) <#_Toc156996658>

10 -      NOTICIAS: Maria Helena Rosas Fernandes recebe Premio Internacional
de Composicao de Operas Nancy Van de Vate (27/Dez/2006 - Viena,

11 -      RESIDENCIAS: Laboratorio Electroacustico de Criacao (LEC).
(Fev/2007 - PORTUGAL) <#_Toc156996660>

12 -      TEMPORARY JOB: Professor, Music Theory,Dalhousie University
(15/Fev - Halifax, CANADA) <#_Toc156996661>



1 -              ASSINATURAS: Banda Sinfonica doEstado de Sao Paulo,
temporada 2007 (Jan/2007 - Sao Paulo, SP)


De: Banda Sinfonica [mailto:agenda em bandasinfonica.org.br]

Enviada em: segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2007 18:15

Assunto: Assinaturas 2007 - ate 25% de desconto sobre ingresso avulso

A Banda Sinfonica inicia dia 15/01 as vendas de suas Assinaturas 2007. Alem
da qualidade e versatilidade que voce ja conhece, nossos espetaculos serao
apresentados no Teatro Cultura Artistica.

Os precos estao convidativos, com diversas formas de parcelamento para
pagamento com cartao de credito.


Televendas: 011-3258-3344  (das 10 as 17 horas, de segunda a sexta)

Informacoes: 011-3258-3616

Bilheteria Teatro Cultura Artistica

R. Nestor Pestana, 196 (das 12 as 19 horas, de segunda a sexta)

Sergio Wontroba

Coordenador de Comunicacao

Banda Sinfonica doEstado de Sao Paulo


Skype: sergio-wontroba




2 -              CALL FOR PAPERS: Feminist Theory & Music 9, "Speaking Out
of Place" (01/Fev - Montreal, CANADA)


De: [mailto:anppom-l-bounces em iar.unicamp.br] Em nome de carlos palombini

Enviada em: quarta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2007 16:01

Assunto: [ANPPOM-L] CFP: Feminist Theory & Music, Montreal 2007

Feminist Theory & Music 9: Speaking Out of Place

Montreal, June 6-10, 2007


The theme of this year's conference is "Speaking Out of Place" This topic
was born from discussions of the character of Montreal as a multilingual
city with a contradictory sense of itself in terms of local and national
identities. It is also meant to evoke new perspectives for understanding
gender in the context of transcultural and transnational conversations.

The keynote speaker will be Beverly Diamond (Memorial University of
Newfoundland), noted Canadian ethnomusicologist and scholar of Inuit music.
The plenary session on feminist rock criticism will feature Ann Powers,
Daphne Brooks, Susan Fast, and Ellie Hisama.

Feminist Theory & Music is an international conference which has met
biennially at various universities since 1991. The conference was originally
the brainchild of members of the American Musicological Society who wished
to involve scholars from all musical disciplines (composition, education,
ethnomusicology, history, performance, and theory) in the growing field of
feminist approaches to music. The conference has always been hosted and
operated independently of any specific scholarly association. FTM8 was held
in New York City in 2005, hosted jointly by New York University and the City
University of New York. FTM9 marks the first time the conference will come
to Canada.

Call for Papers: Both performances and scholarly papers are welcome as part
of the programme. Organizers particularly solicit proposals focusing on
intersections of geography, nation, ethnicity, gender and cultural
expression: e.g., issues of globalization, transnationalism, cultural or
linguistic translation, neighborly relations, diasporas, migrations or
dislocations. However, all proposals that consider music in relation to
feminism, gender or sexuality are welcome.

Scholarly papers should last no longer than 20 minutes. We can accommodate
performances of varying lengths. Note that no funds are available to
remunerate performers.

Proposals should be no longer than 250 words, in either English or French.
Only one proposal may be submitted per person. Please include name, address,
and audiovisual requirements. Performance proposals should include bios of
all performers involved; do not send tapes. Email submissions are preferred.
Send proposals to lisa.barg at mcgill.ca, or by regular mail to Lisa Barg,
McGill University, Schulich School of Music, 555 Sherbrooke Street West,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 1E3. Proposals must be received by February 1,

Feminist Theory & Music 9: Parler sans frontieres

Montreal, June 6-10, 2007


Le theme du colloque de cette annee est "Parler sans frontieres." Ce sujet
s'imposa a la suite de discussions sur le caractere multilinguistique de
Montreal, dont les identites locales et nationales sont elles-memes
complexes, voire contradictoires. Ce theme a egalement pour objectif
d'evoquer de nouvelles perspectives afin de comprendre le genre dans un
contexte de conversations transculturelles et transnationales.

La conferenciere invitee sera Beverly Diamond (Universite Memorial de
Terre-Neuve), ethnomusicologue et chercheure reputee, dont les travaux
portent notamment sur la musique Inuit. Les participantes a la session
pleniere sur la critique du rock feministe seront Ann Powers, Daphne Brooks,
Susan Fast, et Ellie Hisama.

Feminist Theory & Music est un colloque international biannuel, qui se tient
a differentes universites depuis 1991. Ce colloque est originalement
l'initiative de certains membres de l'American Musicological Society, qui
desiraient regrouper des chercheurs issus de toutes les disciplines
musicales (composition, pedagogie, ethnomusicologie, histoire,
interpretation, et theorie) autour du champs de recherche grandissant des
approches feministes appliquees a la musique. Le colloque s'est toujours
tenu independamment de toute association academique specifique. FTM8 s'est
deroule en 2005 a New York, conjointement a la New York University et la
City University de New York. En  2007, FTM9 se tiendra pour la premiere fois
au Canada.

Appel de communications. Les communications de nature academique ainsi que
les concerts-conferences sont bienvenus dans le cadre du programme. Les
organisateurs sollicitent tout particulierement des propositions concernant
les liens entre geographie, nation, ethnicite, genre et expression
culturelle: par exemple, les questions de globalisation, transnationalisme,
traduction culturelle ou linguistique, relations de voisinage, diasporas,
migrations ou dislocations. Cependant, toutes les propositions considerant
la musique en relation avec le feminisme, le genre ou la sexualite sont

Les communications de nature academique devraient se limiter a 20 minutes.
Il sera possible d'accommoder des prestations musicales de duree variable.
Veuillez prendre note qu'aucun fonds n'est prevu afin de remunerer les

Les propositions devraient se limiter a 250 mots au maximum, soit en anglais
ou en francais. Une seule proposition par personne peut etre soumise.
Veuillez indiquer votre nom, adresse, et besoins en matiere d'equipement
audiovisuel. Les propositions concernant une prestation musicale doivent
inclure une notice biographique de tous les interpretes participants;
n'envoyez pas de cassettes. Les soumissions par voie de courrier
electronique sont encouragees. Envoyer les propositions a lisa.barg at
mcgill.ca, ou par courrier regulier a Lisa Barg, Universite McGill, Ecole de
Musique Schulich, 555 Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 1E3.
La date limite pour la reception des propositions est le 1er fevrier 2007.



3 -              CALL FOR PAPERS: "Music and/as Right Action" (01/Mar -


De: [mailto:anppom-l-bounces em iar.unicamp.br] Em nome de carlos palombini

Enviada em: quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2007 16:38

Assunto: [ANPPOM-L] CFP: music and/as right action


29-30 June 2007

School of Music

University of East Anglia, Norwich UK


In a contemporary musical discourse largely polarised between style, context
and relativism on the one hand and scientism on the other, this conference
seeks to explore the potential of understanding music as activity, and
therefore potentially as ethical behaviour. The concept of ethics might be
understood as it is construed in various sociological, historical, critical,
and musical configurations in (and through) which it makes sense to
undertake such an exploration. Behaviour can usefully be understood as
musical activity in respect of oneself, others, society and culture, but
also potentially in respect of approaches that would define music as a
profession, an ideal or an environment. (Please see below for a summary of
proposed sessions that offer possible avenues along these lines.)

Key speakers include:

Professor Michael Beckerman (New York University)

Professor Andrew Bowie (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Submissions are invited for individual papers (30 minutes including
discussion), themed sessions (three/four speakers 90/120 minutes), and round
tables (90/120 minutes). Proposals (200 words for individual papers or 600
words submitted by the proposed convenor for sessions and roundtables)
should be emailed to Jonathan Impett (J.Impett at uea.ac.uk) or Nanette
Nielsen (N.Nielsen at uea.ac.uk). Please submit the following along with
your proposal: details of your institutional affiliation, contact
information, and any Audio Visual requirements.


The programme committee will make a final decision on abstracts by 15 March
and contributors will be notified as soon as possible thereafter.

Frther information, including registration and accommodation details, will
be posted on the conference website shortly:


Any queries can be directed to either of the conference organisers Jonathan
Impett (J.Impett em uea.ac.uk) and Nanette Nielsen (N.Nielsen em uea.ac.uk).



Music has always been an active aesthetic agent in various ethical and
political circumstances. This session aims to explore the intersection of
musical ethics and aesthetics in particular historical, social, or cultural
contexts. (There can be instances where ethics and politics are separate
entities, and these can be equally beneficial for discussion). Given a
fruitful context, we will for example interrogate the following questions:
How does music impinge on our moral evaluations, and vice versa? Does
musical creativity help us construct moral understanding? Can we actively
aim to draw on the practice of music to further our ethical awareness?


This session interrogates the extent to which reconstructions of particular
events of music history can act to re-shape our ethical conception and
evaluation of this history, thereby enhancing our understanding of music as
right action. By discussing whether it is ethically defensible and/or
necessary to re-imagine history, we will challenge our familiarity with
historical stability.


Do the possibilities of action-at-a-distance in space and time combined with
the self-structuring nature of much interactive music make such work more a
question of behaviour than surface? Does music become a different kind of
activity, or might re-imagining the terms of present and future music also
help us find more relevant understandings of the past?


A constant subtext in discussion of the activity of composition suggests the
role of some form of individual-social-cultural integrity. Can the
relationship between composer, material and discipline be considered in
terms of a 'virtual' ethics of compositional behaviour?


The implicit non-rules of free improvised music would suggest action
determined only in present company and the present environment. How is
musical action determined, understood and evaluated when there are agreed to
be no cultural constraints? Might ethics be one mode in which behaviour can
be understood independently of style or rule? Is an ethics of musical
behaviour-in-the-moment distinct from its rhetoric? Can other
improvisation-based practices be understood this way?



29-30 June 2007

School of Music

University of East Anglia, Norwich UK



4 -              CALL FOR SCORES: 2007 Polyphonos Competition (15/Mai -
Seattle, EUA)


De: The Esoterics [mailto:polyphonos em TheEsoterics.org]

Enviada em: segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2007 17:03

Assunto: Call for scores: The Esoterics announces 2007 POLYPHONOS

The Esoterics announces 2007 POLYPHONOS Competition The Esoterics announces
an international call for a cappella choral scores - its annual competition
for choral composition, POLYPHONOS, having many voices or manifold in

The purpose of The Esoterics' POLYPHONOS is to encourage today's choral
composers to broaden the scope of the a cappella choral repertory by setting
sacred and poetical texts found beyond the Western classical canon in order
to create a repertoire of choral concert music that reflects the universal
beauty and power of unaccompanied voices joined in song.

There will be up to three POLYPHONOS awards, and each winning composer will
receive a commission from The Esoterics to plan and compose a new choral
work that will be premiered by the ensemble in 2008. In addition to this
commission, each of the winning composers will receive $1000 US plus airfare
and accommodations to attend the Seattle premiere of their commissioned

Entry form, portfolio requirements and complete rules can be found at


All applications must be complete and received by 15 May 2007

The winners of The Esoterics' POLYPHONOS will be announced on 1 July 2007

For questions, please contact polyphonos em TheEsoterics.org

PS - In our July concert, the Esoterics will premier the POLYPHONOS
commissions of the 2006 winners- Paul Ayres, Abbie Betinis, and Justin



5 -              CHAMADA DE PROPOSTAS: "PERFORMA - Encontros de Investigacao
em Performance" (28/Fev - Aveiro, PORTUGAL)


From: PERFORMA - Encontros de Investigacao em Performance <performa em ca.ua.pt

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 17:05:36 +0000

Subject: Performa-conferencia sobre investigacao em performance

O Departamento de Comunicacao e Arte da Universidade de Aveiro realiza,
entre 10 e 12 de Maio de 2007, uma conferencia internacional sobre temas de
investigacao em interpretacao e artes performativas. Tratando-se de uma area
de estudos emergente, com reduzida expressao em Portugal, o PERFORMA
tenciona contribuir para a divulgacao da investigacao efectuada no pais e a
nivel internacional.

Na edicao de 2007, o PERFORMA define-se como um espaco multidisciplinar de
debate sobre o universo da interpretacao musical, acolhendo por isso,
propostas com proveniencias disciplinares diversas, com alargamento as areas
da psicologia da musica, musicologia, etnomusicologia, pedagogia, analise
musical e reflexao filosofica sobre interpretacao.

O orador principal sera o Prof. Doutor Nicholas Cook, da Universidade de
Londres - Royal Holloway.

A organizacao do PERFORMA convida a apresentacao de comunicacoes (em
portugues ou ingles) dentro dos seguintes formatos: artigo detalhado (20
minutos), estudo de caso (10 minutos), conferencia-recital (45 minutos).

As propostas deverao ser enviadas em forma de resumo de 250 palavras no
maximo (as propostas para conferencia-recital deverao tambem incluir um
breve curriculo artistico).

As propostas devem ser enviadas por correio electronico para
performa em ca.ua.pt ate 28 de Fevereiro; a aceitacao das mesmas sera
confirmada ate 15 de Marco.

Pedidos de informacao poderao tambem ser dirigidos para o mesmoendereco.

Helena Marinho



6 -              CONCURSO: Orquestra Sinfonica Brasileira (26 vagas).
(02/Mar - Rio de Janeiro, RJ)


De: Orquestra Sinfonica Brasileira [mailto:marketing em osb.com.br]

Enviada em: terca-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2007 19:13

Assunto: Concurso Internacional OSB

A Orquestra Sinfonica Brasileira anuncia concurso de selecao para
preenchimento de 26 posicoes nos naipes de Violinos, Violas, Violoncelos,
Contrabaixos, Flautas, Oboes, Clarinetas, Fagotes e Trompas.

Para saber mais sobre o concurso, acesse:




7 -              EVENTO: Feira Musica Brasil 2007 (07-11/Fev - Recife, PE,


De: Cida Fernandes [mailto:cidaclf em gmail.com]

Enviada em: terca-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2007 10:04

Assunto: Noticias 5/2007-Academia Brasileira de Musica

Abertas as inscricoes para as conferencias da Feira Musica Brasil 2007, no

A Feira Musica Brasil 2007 - que acontecera entre os dias 7 e 11 de
fevereiro, no Recife - abriu as inscricoes para as Conferencias voltadas
para o mercado musical e suas tecnologias. Ao todo serao 23 conferencias e
um curso de especializacao, que promoverao debates sobre distribuicao,
mercados, marketing, propriedade intelectual e radio. Diversas
personalidades internacionais e brasileiras do mundo da musica participarao
como palestrantes. As Conferencias acontecem de 8 a 10 de fevereiro, de
manha e a tarde.

A inscricao, que tambem da acesso a todos os ambientes da Feira (modulo de
negocios, conferencias, espetaculos, modulo de produtos) pode ser feita
atraves do site

www.feiramusicabrasil.com.br. O valor ate o dia 31 de janeiro sera de R$
180,00. Apos esta data, passa a R$ 220,00.

Esta sera a terceira edicao do Porto Musical - Convencao Internacional de
Musica e Tecnologia, que este ano se integrou a Feira Musica do Brasil. As
palestras costumam atrair profissionais de musica e tecnologia das mais
diversas partes do mundo, com representantes da Europa, Estados Unidos e
America Latina.



8 -              FESTIVAL: SPOR Festival 2007 (10-13/Mai - Aarhus,


De: Thomas Agerfeldt Olesen [mailto:agerfeldt em olesen.mail.dk]

Enviada em: quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2007 19:32

Assunto: SPOR Festival 2007 - the festival

SPOR launches its 3rd. international festival for new art music and sound
art to take place during the days 10th of May - 13th of May 2007

Thomas Agerfeldt Olesen

SPOR Festival

Willemoesgade 22

DK-8200 Aarhus N


Ph.: +4586167709

E.: info em spor-festival.dk

Web: www.spor-festival.dk

SPOR Festival 2007 - composing what?

Taking place at Ridehuset in Aarhus, Denmarks second largest city, the SPOR
festival 2007 invites you to an experiment that will try to revolutionize
concert-going and the whole term "music". And we would like to do the same
to musical life too. Curated by Anna Berit Asp Christensen and Anne
Marquardsen SPOR 2007 has produced a festival that will turn ideas of music
and how it is experienced completely on their heads. Ridehuset will be
transformed into a large lounge with listening stations, fora for
discussions, an open club scene, a bar and through the day challenging and
beguiling concerts. They will form an honest attempt to engage with a
present day, whose musical life is, to an extraordinary degree, typified by
both habit and habitual thinking (ie. the past) and moneyed interests.

For this reason the festival will start with Benedict Mason's concert
installation 2nd Music for a European Concert Hall. The title should be
taken quite literally; the piece was written for a concert hall "that should
be played on by an orchestra" How? By having the musicians move around the
space, by distance within the space becoming an important parameter, by
movement of sound playing a decisive role. Amongst his contemporaries Mason
is a renewer within the field of instrumental music. His publication
"outside sight unseen and opened" is a book formed as a compendium of ideas
about  the potential of sound and music within an artwork. They are ideas to
complete, ideas to imagine or to work with - enough to keep a large number
of composers going for many years.

The framework around a classical concert has become museum-like.
Nevertheless, the content can range from the experimental to the
revolutionary. At SPOR 2007 we will try to create events that challenge the
terms of a classical concert in content and its framing. What happens when
the  composer himself goes on stage and blurs the distinction between
musician and writer? What happens when musicians appropriate the space
assigned to the audience as part of the work itself? How is one an audience
in relation to the genre- clone sound installation? Are DJ's creative
artists in their own right? The artists taking part are amongst the top
international representatives of their fields: Christian Marclay (USA),
Zeena Parkins (USA), Ikue Mori (USA) Natasha Barret (No), Benedict Mason
(UK), erikm (F), Laurent Dailleau (F), Cecile Babiole (F),  Kaj Aune (No),
djTRIO (USA/F/DK), Atau Tanaka (Ja),  SENSORS_SONICS_SIGHTS (F/ Ja), Franck
Ollu (F) og Jennifer Walshe (Ir). Denmark is represented by Jacob Anderskov,
Juliana Hodkinson, Maria-Laurette Friis, The Ghettoblaster Ensemble,
Ensemble 2000 and Århus Symphony Orchestra.

 Ridehuset will play its own part in the festival with specially designed
scenography designed by the artist group van Gogh, itself made up of people
who work across the disciplines of film, design, interactive media and

Read more at www.spor-festival.dk



9 -              FESTIVAL: Festival de Inverno de Amparo (Inscricoes 12/Mar
- Amparo, SP, BRASIL)


De: [mailto:docentes-bounces em iar.unicamp.br] Em nome de Denilda Bortoletto

Enviada em: quarta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2007 10:27

Assunto: [Docentes] FESTIVAL DE INVERNO 2007


A Prefeitura Municipal de Amparo(SP) abriu inscricoes para seu Festival de
Inverno, nas modalidades artisticas culturais: musica, cinema, literatura,
teatro, danca e oficinas. A incricao e gratuita e vai ate 12/03/07.

O regulamento e demais informacoes estao no site www.amparo.sp.gov.br



10 -          NOTICIAS: Maria Helena Rosas Fernandes recebe Premio
Internacional de Composicao de Operas Nancy Van de Vate (27/Dez/2006 -


De: http://www.jor-cidade.com.br/noticias/noticias.php?n=1047

ENCONTROS COM A MUSICA - Organizadora recebe premio internacional


Compositora foi premiada por conta da opera "Marilia de Dirceu"

A organizadora geral da serie anual de concertos "Encontros com a Musica",
compositora Maria Helena Rosas Fernandes, recebeu o Premio Internacional de
Composicao de Operas Nancy Van de Vate, promovido pela RMI Publisher,
localizada em Vienna, na Austria. Tres outras compositoras tambem receberam
o premio: uma da Irlanda, uma da Grecia e outra dos EUA.

A premiacao foi pela criacao da opera "Marilia de Dirceu", inspirada na
famosa Marilia de Dirceu. Segundo Maria Helena "a obra tem com principal
objetivo reevocar o drama da Inconfidencia Mineira".


Maria Helena Rosa Fernandes e pianista, compositora, musicologa, regente e
educadora de musica graduada em piano pelo Conservatorio Brasileiro do Rio
de Janeiro e tambem pela Escola Superior de Musica Santa Marcelina. Suas
composicoes tem varias apresentacoes e premios.

Sua carreira inclui publicacao de pesquisas musicais sobre musica indigena
brasileira, organizacao de musicais, entre outros. Maria Helena tambem
participa como membro de diversos conservatorios e associacoes alem de
participacoes nacionais e internacionais em conferencias e congressos de
musica. A compositora recebera US$ 1 mil e a publicacao de sua obra na
publicacao do livro das obras vencedoras.

Fonte: Jornal da Cidade



11 -          RESIDENCIAS: Laboratorio Electroacustico de Criacao (LEC).
(Fev/2007 - PORTUGAL)


De: Miso Music Portugal [mailto:misomusic em misomusic.com]

Enviada em: sexta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2007 12:27



Estao abertas ate finais do mes de Fevereiro as candidaturas para duas
residencias de criacao no LEC em 2007.

A Miso Music Portugal prosseguindo os seus objectivos de difusao, promocao e
fomento da criacao musical, criou em 2005 um programa de residencias
destinado a criacao musical electroacustica.

Este programa assenta por um lado na disponibilizacao de um estudio de
criacao musical e por outro no desenvolvimento de parcerias com estudios
estrangeiros no sentido de oferecer parte das residencias disponiveis em
colaboracao com essas entidades.

Ver condicões da candidatura em http://www.misomusic.com


Membro da International Association of Music Information Centres

Seccao Portuguesa da International Society for Contemporary Music

Seccao Portuguesa da Confederation Internationale de Musique

Membro da International Computer Music Association

Membro da European Conference of Promotors of New Music

Estrutura financiada pelo Ministerio da Cultura / Instituto das Artes


mailto:misomusic em misomusic.com

Rua do Douro 92 - Rebelva




Phone:+ 351-21.4575068

Fax: + 351-21.4587256



12 -          TEMPORARY JOB: Professor, Music Theory,Dalhousie University
(15/Fev - Halifax, CANADA)


From:  Jerome Blais <jerome.blais em dal.ca>

Reply-To:  cercledemusicologie em groupesyahoo.ca

Subject:  [cercledemusicologie] Postes temporaires a l'Universite Dalhousie

Date:  Mon, 15 Jan 2007 12:12:15 -0400

Deux postes temporaires (pour remplacement de sabbatiques) s'ouvrent a mon

Pour votre information:

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Music Theory - August 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008

Applications are invited for a ten-month limited term, full-time teaching
appointment in music theory in the Department of Music at the
Lecturer/Assistant Professor level for the period August 1, 2007 to May 31,
2008. The position is subject to budgetary approval.

Candidates will have a Ph.D. in music theory (in hand by the time of the
appointment), and possess teaching experience in the area of music theory
with demonstrated excellence. Duties in Dalhousie's undergraduate music
program will include teaching core music theory classes in harmony,
analysis, counterpoint and orchestration as well as participating in
administrative duties within the department. Applications, including a
complete curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests
and philosophies, and three confidential letters of reference, one of which
should address your teaching, must be forwarded directly by your referees,
to Prof. Marcia Swanston, Chair, Appointments Committee, Department of
Music, Arts Centre, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. B3H 4R2 by March
15th, 2007.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is an
Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The University encourages
applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a disability,
racially visible persons and women.

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Music (Voice) - August 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008

Applications are invited for a ten-month limited term, full-time appointment
in the Department of Music (Voice) at the Lecturer/Assistant Professor level
for the period August 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008.  The position is subject to
budgetary approval. Candidates will be committed to excellence in teaching
and have a proven reputation as a teacher and performer.  A DMA or an M.Mus.
and equivalent professional experience required.

Duties in Dalhousie's undergraduate music program will include teaching
voice, a weekly repertoire/performance class, offering a course in Vocal
Literature, as well as performing in music department events, such as the
Faculty Chamber Series. Applications, including a complete curriculum vitae,
a statement of artistic and teaching interests and philosophies, a recording
of recent performances of a variety of repertoire, evidence of teaching
effectiveness (a teaching video and/or formal course evaluations) and three
confidential letters of reference forwarded by the referees, should be sent
in hard copy to

Prof. Marcia Swanston


Appointments Committee

Department of Music, Arts Centre, Dalhousie University

Halifax, N.S. B3H 3J5


All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is an
Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The University encourages
applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a disability,
racially visible persons and women.

Jerome Blais

Assistant professor

Department of Music, Dalhousie University

6101 University Avenue, room 510

Halifax NS B3H 4R2

Tel.: (902) 494-3037

Fax.: (902) 494-2801
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