[FWD cdmc] - 49/2007 -

FWD cdmc fwd.cdmc em gmail.com
Sáb Dez 22 00:12:11 BRST 2007

*FWD cdmc  - 49   21/12/2007 *




*CAIXA POSTAL  6136 - CEP 13083-859*



Noticias somente em texto simples, sem figuras nem tabelas, enviar a:
cdmusica em unicamp.br

Para receber/cancelar o recebimento do FWD cdmc enviar seu pedido a
cdmusica em unicamp.br

Informamos que o envio do FWD será temporariamente suspenso, retornando em
fevereiro de 2008.
A equipe do CDMC, agradecendo a todos que nos apoiaram durante o ano de
2007, deseja um feliz natal e que em 2008 a Música seja mais importante que
pobres ambições humanas.


"Não, a vida não me desapontou! Pelo contrário, a cada ano a acho mais rica,
mais desejável e mais misteriosa - desde o dia em que veio a mim a grande
libertadora, essa idéia de que a vida pode ser uma experiência daquele que
procura o conhecimento - e não um dever, não uma fatalidade, não um engano!
(...)."A vida como meio do conhecimento" - com esse princípio no coração se
pode viver não somente com bravura, mas ainda viver alegremente e rir de
felicidade! E como se conseguirira chegar a bem rir e a bem viver se antes
não se conseguisse enfrentar a guerra e conquistar a vitória?"
Friedrich Nietzsche

1 -        CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: FILE-LABO (Jan/2008 - São Paulo,

2 -        CONCERTOS: Música no Museu. Obras de Villa-Lobos, Ernesto
Nazareth, George Gershwin, Tom Jobim, Hermeto Pascoal (20-21/Dez - Rio de
Janeiro, RJ) <#_Toc186003628>

3 -        CONCURSO PARA DOCENTES: Professor Adjunto, Música - Práticas
Instrumentais e Matérias Teóricas Aplicadas, UFPR (INSCRIÇÕES: 17/Dez-15/Jan
- Curitiba, PR, BRASIL) <#_Toc186003629>

4 -        SEMINÁRIO: 15o. Seminário de Violão Souza Lima (06-09/Fev/2008 -
São Paulo, SP) <#_Toc186003630>

5 -        CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Association for Technology in Music
Instruction (ATMI) 2008 Conference (DEADLINE: 21/Jan/2008 - Boone, NC,

6 -        CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Leonardo Abstracts Service (DEADLINE:
31/Dez - Cambridge, MA, EUA) <#_Toc186003632>

7 -        CONCERTOS: Grupo SPES. Obras de Camargo Guarnieri, Zoltan
Paulinyi, Harry Crowl, Guilherme Bauer, Flausino Valle (Jan/2008 - ESPANHA,

8 -        CONCIERTOS: "Guitarra Eléctrica S.XX-XXI", Planeta Minimal
(19-21/Dez - Valparaíso e Limache, CHILE) <#_Toc186003634>

9 -        CURSO DE VERANO: Instrumentos Autóctonos de América Latina y
Creación Musical, Universidade Nacional Tres de Febrero (Jan/2008 - San
Martín de los Andes, ARGENTINA) <#_Toc186003635>

10 -      CURSOS: 5o. Master Piano Studio, Fabio Luz (2008 - Cortanze,
ITALIA) <#_Toc186003636>

11 -      INAUGURACION: Centro Nacional de la Música (Dez/2007 - Santiago,
CHILE) <#_Toc186003637>




De: contato em file.org.br


We are proud to announce that FILE Labo, the new media laboratory of
Electronic Language International Festival, is now launching its first call
for project proposals.

If you have an idea and are an artist, a designer, a programmer, an
engineer, a scientist, or if you have developed any work for your university
or for yourself, and always found it an interesting work, but which ended up
in the sidelines, now you can send it to FILE-LABO.

The LABO is a free territory for creation and invention; an independent and
collaborative network for the development of art, science and technology,
located in São Paulo, at the SESI Vila Leopoldina Cultural Center, and
devised under a platform of collaboration among creators and professionals
of different areas. There, you will find collaborators from technical,
theoretical, and political-cultural areas, who will follow and support the
development of your proposal.

Send yo ur project or idea through the proper submission form in the site.
Later on, there will be a project selection by a laboratory's professional

FILE-Labo will prioritize projects and ideas that can really be developed by
the laboratory within the maximum period of one year. [+]



Estamos felizes em anunciar que o FILE Labo, o novo laboratório de novas
mídias do Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica, está agora
lançando sua primeira chamada para receber propostas de projetos.

Se você tem uma idéia e é um artista, um designer, um programador, um
engenheiro, um cientista ou se você desenvolveu algum trabalho para sua
universidade ou para você mesmo e sempre achou este trabalho interessante,
mas acabou ficando de lado, agora poderá encaminhá-lo ao FILE-labo.

O LABO é um território livre para criação e invenção; uma rede independente
e colaborativa para o desenvolvimento da arte, ciência e tecnologia,
localizado em São Paulo, no Centro Cultural SESI Vila Leopoldina e
arquitetado sob uma plataforma de colaboração entre criadores e
profissionais de diversas áreas. Ali você encontrará colaboradores de áreas
técnicas e teóricas, bem como político-culturais, que o acompanharão e
apoiarão o desenvolvimento de sua proposta.

Envie seu projeto ou sua idéia através do preenchimento adequado da ficha de
inscrição no site. Haverá, posteriormente, uma seleção dos projetos por uma
comissão de profissionais do laboratório.

O FILE-Labo dará prioridade a projetos e idéias que possam realmente ser
desenvolvidos pelo laboratório no período máximo de um ano.



2. CONCERTOS: Música no Museu. Obras de Villa-Lobos, Ernesto Nazareth,
George Gershwin, Tom Jobim, Hermeto Pascoal (20-21/Dez - Rio de Janeiro, RJ)




Grandes concertos de Natal

Música no Museu encerra nesta sexta-feira dia 21 no CC Light a temporada
2007 realizando 27 concertos no Rio de Janeiro e 4 nas outras cidades,
totalizando 31 no mês de dezembro e assim chegando-se a 503 no ano de 2007,
um record.

Voltaremos no dia 11 de janeiro com a Camerata de Violões do Conservatório
Brasileiro de Música sob a direção de Paulo Pedrassoli no mesmo CC Light.

Na semana, destaque para o pianista Paulo Steinberg no MNBA) brasileiro
radicado nos Estados Unidos, detentor de excelente curriculum e ora de
passagem pelo Brasil.

Maiores informações poderão ser obtidas pelo site www.musicanomuseu.com.br.
Sds Sergio da Costa e Silva- Diretor de Música no Museu.- tel: 2253-8645.



DIA 20 - quinta-feira - 12:30hs

Endereço: Av. Rio Branco 199
Capacidade: 200  lugares

Músico: Paulo Steinberg, piano (vindo dos USA).

Programa: "Cultura Brasileira: Heitor Villa-Lobos e Ernesto Nazareth"

DIA 21 - sexta-feira - 12:30hs

Rua Marechal Floriano, 168 - Centro
Capacidade: 200 lugares

Músico: Orquestra Carioca do Instituto Grupo Pão de Açúcar.

Programa: George Gershwin; Tom Jobim, Hermeto Pascoal.

Dia 21- sexta-feira- 18:00hs

Estrada Sacra Família 4100.- Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin-RJ

Músico: Newton Nazareth, piano

Programa: Ernesto Nazareth e Canções natalinas.


3. CONCURSO PARA DOCENTES: Professor Adjunto, Música - Práticas
Instrumentais e Matérias Teóricas Aplicadas, UFPR (INSCRIÇÕES: 17/Dez-15/Jan
- Curitiba, PR, BRASIL)


De: rosanecardoso em ufpr.br

Segue dados de concurso para professor adjunto no Departamento de Artes da

Área do conhecimento: Música - Práticas Instrumentais e Matérias Teóricas

Site com informações: www.prhae.ufpr.br

Rosane Cardoso de Araújo

1.3.1 - Departamento: Artes
Área de Conhecimento: Música: Práticas Instrumentais e Matérias Teóricas
Processo: 23075.047935/2007-66
Número de vagas: 01 (uma)
Classe: Adjunto 1
Regime de Trabalho: 40 (quarenta) horas
Titulação Mínima Exigida: Graduação em Música com Doutorado em Música ou
Área Afim, obtidos na forma da lei
Tipos de Provas: Análise de Currículo, Escrita, Prática, Didática e Defesa
da Produção Intelectual
Vencimento Total: R$ 3.581,08
Auxílio-Alimentação: R$ 126,00
Taxa de Inscrição: R$ 90,00

INCRIÇÕES: 17/12/07 a 15/01/08


4. SEMINÁRIO: 15o. Seminário de Violão Souza Lima (06-09/Fev/2008 - São
Paulo, SP)


De: hpviolao em uol.com.br

XV Seminário de Violão Souza Lima - 2.008

Coordenação Artística: Henrique Pinto
Coordenação Geral: Antonio Mario da Silva Cunha

De 6 a 9 de fevereiro

Paulo Martelli
Fabio Zanon
Douglas Lora
Fernando Lima
Henrique Pinto

Duo João Luiz e Douglas Lora
Duo Cecília Siqueira e Fernando Lima
Mario Silva
Luiz Cláudio Ferreira
Maria Haro
Thiago Fratuce Pimentel
Lucas Penteado
Fabio Lima
Franciel Monteiro

Douglas Lora - concurso e carreira de concertista
Luiz Cláudio Ferreira - distonia focal, problema funcional do músico
Paulo Martelli - o violão através dos séculos

Fone: 011-3884.9149
e.mail: souzalima em souzalima.com.br


5. CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Association for Technology in Music Instruction
(ATMI) 2008 Conference (DEADLINE: 21/Jan/2008 - Boone, NC, EUA)




The ATMI 2008 Program Committee invites the submission of proposals for the
2008 Conference. The concurrent national conferences of ATMI and the College
Music Society will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, September 25-28, 2008.
Proposals dealing with any aspect of technology in music instruction and/or
electronic performance are welcome. The Association is particularly
interested in presentations that focus on

* Music technology curricular and programmatic interests
* Online music instruction: local, regional, national, and international
* Multimedia: integrating text, graphics, video, audio, etc.
* Creative pedagogies/technological tools: music learning, composition, etc.
* Performance incorporating music technology
* Uses of MIDI, digital audio, etc. in ensembles
* Research on the effectiveness of music technology
* Student-created projects involving music technology


ATMI will recognize outstanding presentations in two categories. Monetary
awards will be given for the best conference-wide presentation ($100) and
the best student presentation ($250). In order to qualify for the student
award, the presenter must be enrolled as a student at the time of the

Faculty members should encourage outstanding students to submit proposals.
Additional information on these awards may be found at the ATMI website <


January 21, 2008. A complete Proposal Form is included at the end of this
announcement. A downloadable version is available at the ATMI website <


The conference will offer a variety of presentation formats, including
papers, panels, demonstrations, training sessions/ workshops, electronic
poster sessions, and performances involving technology software/hardware. In
addition, the intended audience will be identified with regard to prior
music technology experiences or comfort level (e.g., general, novice,
intermediate, or advanced). Presenters are encouraged to reserve five
minutes at the end of their time slots for brief question and answer

Presenters are strongly encouraged to propose electronic poster sessions.
This venue is particularly appropriate for graduate students engaged in
relevant and timely research. These will follow the usual electronic poster
session format.

A Conference Proceedings Index will be available, which will point to
presenter's sites to provide centralized access to conference topics.


Proposals dealing with any aspect of technology in music instruction and/or
electronic performance are welcome. The Association is particularly
interested in presentations that focus on
* Music technology curricular and programmatic interests
* Online music instruction: local, regional, national, and international
* Multimedia: integrating text, graphics, video, audio, etc.
* Creative pedagogies/technological tools: music learning, composition, etc.
* Performance incorporating music technology
* Uses of MIDI, digital audio, etc. in ensembles
* Research on the effectiveness of music technology
* Student-created projects involving music technology

The Association strongly encourages students to present their own projects,
though a faculty ATMI member may submit the official proposal.


ELECTRONIC PERFORMANCE: The Association renews its efforts to present
musical performances featuring the use of MIDI, digital audio, or other
media technologies. If relevant, the proposal should include specific
information regarding the ensemble and its relation to curricular goals.
Encouraged are solo, chamber, or ensemble performance proposals,
demonstrations of unique electronic instruments, or performance-related
compositional activities involving music technology. (If you know of
performers, ensembles, or presenters that meet this description, please
forward this message to the appropriate person!) NOTE: ATMI cannot provide
funding/ compensation for the travel or lodging of any performers. At least
one person involved in the presentation (e.g., director, performer,
composer) must be an ATMI member. Submitting a proposal indicates the intent
to attend the conference and deliver the presentation.

PAPERS AND PANELS: Traditional academic papers and panels dealing with music
technology in any manner are welcome.

DEMONSTRATIONS: Appropriate are demonstrations that focus on newly authored
software from all aspects of the music curriculum. We also encourage
demonstrations on existing software that are especially useful in
instructional and creative purposes. Especially welcomed are applications
that take an innovative approach to music teaching and learning. Proposals
should include a complete description of the software's design and its use
in the teaching environment.

TRAINING SESSIONS/WORKSHOPS: People looking for practical ways to expand
their skills often attend ATMI sessions. The Program Committee would like to
serve this constituency by offering short training sessions tailored to
attendees with novice and intermediate skill levels. Submissions in this
category should focus on the presenter's level of experience and background.
A one-hour limit will be placed on these workshops. Presenters will need to
provide the appropriate software, preferably on CD-ROM. NOTE: We will have a
lab of Apple computers, each with a MIDI controller, connected via a group
education controller available for these sessions. Special consideration may
be given to those who take advantage of this lab.

ELECTRONIC POSTER SESSION(S): The conference will host at least one
computer-based poster session, in which multiple presenters will
concurrently show material in a large display area. Especially encouraged
are one-on-one or small-group presentations or demonstrations of research,
interactive music lab software, work in progress, and examples of student
work. Proposals should include a complete description of the material to be
presented. If appropriate, graphic images or actual software samples may be
included with a proposal submission, but should be clearly described in the
text of the proposal. NOTE: Poster session participants must supply all
necessary presentation hardware and software.

NORMAL CONFERENCE EQUIPMENT: As in the past, the ATMI room will be equipped
with a data projector and moderate sound system. At least one synthesizer
and a MIDI Interface (USB) will be available.

All INTERNET-BASED PRESENTATIONS should be designed to run locally (i.e.,
without actual connection to the Internet) due to the unpredictability of
conference facility telephone/network lines. If an actual connection is
*essential* to your proposal, this must be indicated in the Specialized
Equipment/Software portion of the proposal form.

Details regarding specific hardware configurations and installed software in
the lab room will be available immediately prior to the conference. However,
you should be prepared to provide whatever non-standard software and/or
hardware is required for your presentation.

ATMI members who can supply (i.e., bring with them) any of the equipment
listed here are highly encouraged to contact the Program Chair. This will
help to defer the significant cost of equipment rental.

Presenters are expected to supply their own laptop computers, which must be
appropriately configured to work with typical data projectors. Consult your
local dealer if you are unsure about compatibility issues.



* Completed Proposal Form (included at the end of this e-mail)


* PAPER, PRESENTATION, and DEMONSTRATION proposals must be submitted for
blind review. Authors must exclude references to individuals or institutions
within the body of the proposal that might compromise this process.
Proposals for papers should include clear statements of background,
methodology, content to be covered, and conclusions. Demonstration proposals
may be accompanied by a Training Session/Workshop proposal. Prior to
submission to the Program Committee, these proposals may be edited by the
Program Chair as needed to facilitate the blind review process.

* TRAINING SESSION/WORKSHOP proposals must be submitted for blind review.
Authors must exclude references to individuals or institutions within the
body of the proposal that might compromise this process. The presenter may
also propose a Demonstration session to precede the Training
Session/Workshop. Include a detailed list of software, CPU requirements, and
all other equipment required to present the session as proposed. Prior to
submission to the Program Committee, these proposals may be edited by the
Program Chair as needed to facilitate the blind review process.

* PANEL proposals must clearly describe the purpose of the presentation and
should list the proposed participants and their qualifications in relation
to the presentation topic. Prior to submission to the Program Committee,
these proposals may be edited by the Program Chair as needed to facilitate
the blind review process.

* Electronic PERFORMANCE proposals should include the name of the primary
contact person (performer or director), a description of the proposed
performance, an excerpt of a recent performance, a statement describing the
purpose/mission of the performance medium and its relationship to music
education, and any other relevant information.

If ATMI is expected to provide any equipment other than that described
above, a detailed list must be submitted. It may not be possible for ATMI to
supply additional equipment. Prior to submission to the Program Committee,
these proposals may be edited by the Program Chair as needed to facilitate
the blind review process.


Jennifer Sterling Snodgrass, Chair (Appalachian State University)
Bruce Frazier (Western Carolina University)
Cynthia Gonzales (Texas State University-San Marcos), organizer for ATMI
Gena Greher (University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
Dan Hosken (California State University, Northridge), organizer for ATMI
Keith Mason (Belmont University)
Ken Smith (Western Michigan University)
Kim Walls (Auburn University)



All proposals should be e-mailed directly to <snodgrassjs em appstate.edu> and
must include the words "ATMI proposal" in the subject line. Multiple
proposals by the same presenter should be sent in separate e-mail messages.

Hard-copies will NOT be accepted unless materials absolutely cannot be
submitted/read electronically. Please check with the program chair before
submitting any hard copies.

Electronic Performance excerpts should be sent as an mp3 (or other
compressed format). Maximum total size of excerpts should not exceed 3 MB.
If electronic transmission proves unworkable, excerpts may be be sent via
snail mail. Please limit excerpts to 3 to 5 minutes.

Snail Mail address:
Jennifer Sterling Snodgrass
ATMI 2008 Program Chair/School of Music
Appalachian State University
Broyhill Music Center
Boone, NC 28608


Proposal receipt will be acknowledged by return e-mail within three days.

NOTE: With the exception of individuals not listed in the program booklet
(such as student/professional performers or technical assistants),
presenters must be fully paid members of ATMI at least one month prior to
the conference. All presenters whose names are included in the program book
are expected to register for the conference.

Complete and e-mail the form below within the body of the email in plain
text to: <snodgrassjs em appstate.edu> Include the words "ATMI proposal" in the
subject line. NOTE: Do *not* quote or include any of the preceding text!

PROPOSAL FORM -- Must be completed for *each* ATMI 2008 session proposal:

Background Information (Numbers 1-8 will not be forwarded to program

1) Proposal Author(s) and Institutional Affiliation(s):

2) Biography of each participant, performer, or ensemble (150 word limit):

3) Brief biography (50 word limit!) that will be used for introduction at
the conference:

4) All e-mail addresses that you regularly access: (If multiple presenters
are to be included, please provide email addresses for ALL presenters,
listing the primary contact first)


5) All phone numbers at which you can be reached:


6) Mailing address (if necessary for official communication):

7) Due to *unavoidable* conflict I absolutely *cannot* present on the
following date(s):

No Conflicts Exist
September 25
September 26
September 27
November 28

Explain unavoidable conflict:

8) List all other non-ATMI proposals that you are submitting for the Atlanta
2008 meeting:

9) Proposal Title:

10) Intended Audience (delete all but one):

General (little or no experience)
Novice (minimal experience)
Intermediate (uses many apps., doesn't write code)
Advanced (very experienced, may incl. programming)

11) Presentation Topic (delete all but one):

Music technology curricular and programmatic interests
Online music instruction
Creative pedagogies/technological tools
Performance incorporating music technology
Uses of MIDI, digital audio, etc. in ensembles
Research on the effectiveness of music technology
Student-created projects involving music technology
Other (please specify)

12) Internet Connected

Is Internet Connection Desired (delete one):

Is Internet Connection Required* (delete one):

*NOTE: All presenters are advised to prepare an offline version of the
presentation in case of connection failures during the conference.

13) Presentation Format (delete all but one):




Must be compatible with the Apple lab.

Panel Participants and Institutional Affiliation:

ELECTRONIC PERFORMANCE (complete if appropriate/known):
Group Name:
Equipment I cannot provide:

OTHER (be specific):

14) Presentation Description (2000 word limit!)
[Reminder: this item must be anonymized for blind review]:

15) Single-paragraph ABSTRACT suitable for inclusion in program (150 word
limit) [Reminder: this item must be anonymized for blind review]:

16) Requested Presentation Period (delete all but one):

30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
Approximate duration for electronic performance:

Other (explain):

Please note: Attempts will be made to provide presenters with the time
requested for their sessions, however, due to the complexities of
scheduling, presenters understand that they may be required to adjust for a
shorter or longer time slot as assigned.

17) Specialized Equipment/Software that I *cannot* provide:


Internet connection is *essential* to my presentation.

Other (be specific):

18) Other information that may be helpful to the Program Committee:

* INCOMPLETE PROPOSALS will *not* be reviewed.

* SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 21, 2008.

* E-mail to <snodgrassjs em appstate.edu>
Include the words "ATMI Proposal" in the subject line.


6. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Leonardo Abstracts Service (DEADLINE: 31/Dez -
Cambridge, MA, EUA)


Leonardo Abstracts Service (LABS)
Next submission deadline: 31 December 2007

Leonardo Abstracts Service (LABS), consisting of the English-language,
Spanish-language and Chinese-language databases, is a comprehensive
collection of Ph.D., Masters and MFA thesis abstracts on topics in the
emerging intersection between art, science and technology. Individuals
receiving advanced degrees in the arts (visual, sound, performance, text),
computer sciences, the sciences and/or technology that in some way
investigate philosophical, historical or critical applications of science or
technology to the arts are invited to submit abstracts of their theses for

The English LABS, Spanish LABS and Chinese LABS international peer review
panels review abstracts for inclusion in their respective databases. The
databases include only approved and filed thesis abstracts. Abstracts of
theses filed in prior years may also be submitted for inclusion.

In addition to publication in the databases, a selection of abstracts chosen
by the panels for their special relevance will be published twice a year in
Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), and authors of abstracts most highly
ranked by the panel will also be invited to submit an article for
publication consideration in the journal Leonardo.

Thesis Abstract submittal forms for English language abstracts can be found
at http://leonardolabs.pomona.edu

Thesis Abstract submittal forms for Spanish language abstracts can be found
at http://www.uoc.edu/artnodes/leonardolabs

Thesis Abstract submittal forms for Chinese language abstracts can be found

For more information about LABS visit:

The LABS project is part of the Leonardo Educators and Students program.


7. CONCERTOS: Grupo SPES. Obras de Camargo Guarnieri, Zoltan Paulinyi, Harry
Crowl, Guilherme Bauer, Flausino Valle (Jan/2008 - ESPANHA, FRANÇA, HUNGRIA,


De: paulinyi em yahoo.com

Em janeiro, o Grupo SPES apresentará 2 programas em 7 recitais na Europa. No
primeiro, fará uma homenagem a Camargo Guarnieri, apresentando sua sonata n.
4 para violino e piano, juntamente com a sonata de César Franck, um clássico
do repertório para a mesma formação. O grupo fará a estréia mundial do
"Choro" de Paulinyi para violino, fagote e piano, composto especialmente
para a ocasião. O segundo programa homenageia Flausino Valle, incluindo
obras para violino de Harry Crowl e Guilherme Bauer, com participação do
fagote nas composições de Paulinyi, muitas das quais estão disponíveis na
internet (www.Paulinyi.com).

A peculiaridade do grupo é a inclusão do fagote no tradicional duo de
violino e piano, reunindo instrumentos de famílias diferentes. Desta forma,
o grupo propõe aos compositores uma alternativa diferente de expressão.

O Trio SPES é formado por músicos de destaque no cenário internacional. O
pianista, Marco Aurelio Brescia, está radicado na Europa desde o ano 2000,
onde conclui um mestrado sobre os órgãos barrocos brasileiros na
Universidade Sorbonne-Paris IV. Brescia desenvolve uma ampla atividade
concertística em países como Brasil, Peru, Espanha, França, Inglaterra e
Eslováquia. O violinista, Zoltan Paulinyi, da Orquestra Sinfônica do Teatro
Nacional em Brasília, além de ter atuado como solista frente a diversas
orquestras do Brasil, Inglaterra e Itália, é um jovem compositor que já
detém prêmios e o reconhecimento internacional de suas obras, selecionadas
em 2005 para a Bienal de Música do Rio de Janeiro e algumas das quais
tiveram sua estréia mundial na Romênia, num concerto em sua homenagem. A
jovem fagotista, Iracema Simon, radicada em Brasília, desenvolve uma intensa
atividade musical e pedagógica, preparando-se, junto ao Trio SPES, para sua
primeira turnée internacional.

O Trio SPES conta, para a realização da presente tournée européia, com o
apoio cultural do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Embaixada do Brasil em
Madrid, Embaixada do Brasil em Paris, Embaixada do Brasil em Budapest,
Maison du Brésil, Ayuntamiento de Béjar, The Goodenough College.


12 de janeiro de 2008, às 20:00: Teatro Cervantes, Bejar, Espanha (TRIO).
13/1: Casa do Brasil em Madri (Espanha), às 18:30 (TRIO).
14/1: Casa do Brasil em Madri, às 20h (Duo SPES)
17/1: Maison du Brésil em Paris (França), às 19:30 (TRIO)
22/1: Embaixada Brasileira em Paris, às 19:30 (SOLO)
25/1: Sala de Mármore da Rádio de Budapeste (Hungria), às 19:30 (TRIO)
3/2: Large Common Room, London House (Goodenough College, Londres), às 17h


TRIO SPES: Sonata para violino e piano de César Franck, Sonata n. 4 para
violino e piano de Camargo Guarnieri; Biduo d'ouro para violino e fagote, e
Choro para violino, fagote e piano de Zoltan Paulinyi.

Solo/DUO (violino e fagote): 3 prelúdios de Ysaye, Solilóquio III de Harry
Crowl, Canto e abaianado de Guilherme Bauer, Biduo d'ouro e Acalanto de
Paulinyi, 13 Prelúdios de Flausino Valle.

Grupo SPES:
Piano: Marco Aurelio Brescia
Violino: Zoltan Paulinyi
Fagote: Iracema Simon


8. CONCIERTOS: "Guitarra Eléctrica S.XX-XXI", Planeta Minimal (19-21/Dez -
Valparaíso e Limache, CHILE)


De: tsonami2007 em gmail.com

Saludos, tenemos el gusto de invitarlos a la gira promocional de "Guitarra
Eléctrica S.XX-XXI" del Ensamble de Guitarras eléctricas Planeta Minimal. Se
interpretarán obras de compositores chilenos para 12 Guitarras y 2 Bajos.

Entrada Liberada todos los conciertos.

* 19 Diciembre 20.30 hrs (Sala Rubén Darío Blanco 1113) - Valparaíso
* 20 Diciembre 19.30 hrs Sala Obra Gruesa (Avda Brasil 2830) - Valparaíso
* 21 Diciembre 12 hrs (Sala de Arte Municipal Urmeneta 255) - Limache
* 21 Diciembre 19.30 (Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes Plaza
Sotomayor 233) Valparaíso.


9. CURSO DE VERANO: Instrumentos Autóctonos de América Latina y Creación
Musical, Universidade Nacional Tres de Febrero (Jan/2008 - San Martín de los




San Martín de los Andes, Argentina. Enero de 2008

Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

La Diplomatura de Posgrado en Instrumentos Autóctonos de América Latina y
Creación Musical , dirigida por Alejandro iglesias Rossi, surge en el marco
de la Maestría en Creación Musical, Nuevas Tecnologías y Artes Tradicionales
http://www.untref.edu.ar/posgrados/posgrados_16.htm y del Instituto de
Etnomusicología y Creación en Artes Tradicionales y de Vanguardia "Isabel
Aretz" de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero.

La Maestría y el Instituto proponen articular los conocimientos acerca de la
relación entre praxis artística, nuevas tecnologías y saber Tradicional en
un espacio de formación de personas que vivan la vocación artística como un
verdadero proceso de transformación interior.

A partir de esta concepción, el Curso pretende brindar un espacio de
reflexión y un singular abordaje del proceso de creación no solo desde una
perspectiva intelectual sino procurando la reunión de elementos dispersos
que han generado una ruptura con nuestro acervo cultural. Para tal fin, se
ofrecerán seminarios en diversas áreas (creación musical, praxis
instrumental, luthería y trabajo corporal) mediante los cuales el proceso de
creación puede devenir un camino de conocimiento que amplíe las fronteras
cognitivas al explorar tierras desconocidas de la creación.

Los Seminarios ofrecidos en el marco de la Diplomatura de Posgrado en
Instrumentos Autóctonos de América Latina y Creación Musical, están
dirigidos al público en general. A aquellos que se encuentren interesados en
profundizar sus conocimientos en el campo de los instrumentos autóctonos de
nuestro Continente, la creación/improvisación, la interpretación y la
realización de una práctica de Ensamble musical vinculada con las
Tradiciones originarias americanas.


Taller de Lutheria
Introducción a la Creación Musical y aplicación de Nuevas Tecnologías
Práctica de improvisación en ensamble instrumental
Arquitectura corporal

La Diplomatura en Instrumentos Autóctonos y Creación Musical se llevará a
cabo en la Ciudad de San Martín de los Andes, provincia de Neuquén,
Patagonia Argentina, en las instalaciones del Centro de Estudios de la
Cooperativa Telefónica de San Martín de los Andes COTESMA.

contacto.creacion em gmail.com
maestriaencreacionmusical em untref.edu.ar


10. CURSOS: 5o. Master Piano Studio, Fabio Luz (2008 - Cortanze, ITALIA)



V Master Piano Studio by Fabio LUZ 2008

Journeys through the Piano Teaching

Creative approaches to musical memorizing

Journées d'études sur l'enseignement du piano

Ascolto guidato, analisi e diffusione di musiche di Almeida Prado, Dusan
Bogdanovic, Camargo Guarnieri, Claudio Gregorat, Osvaldo Lacerda, Nílson
Lombardi, Flo Menezes, Willy Merz, Marcus Siqueira, Villa-Lobos,
Villani-Côrtes, …

Sviluppo delle qualità di lettura e di comunicazione nella performance (nei
differenti stili, dal classico al contemporaneo, da solista e nella musica
da camera), di percezione ritmico-acustica, dell'adeguamento del suono -
esercitazioni per la memorizzazione

fin dalla prima lettura

Neuro-Fisiologia - aspetti della correzione funzionale nella tecnica

Emotività e memoria

Percorsi contemporanei di musicalizzazione e alfabetizzazione musicale

Empatia e visualizzazione nell'apprendimento

Numero limitato di iscrizioni per esecutori e solisti, secondo l'ordine di
arrivo delle domande


11. INAUGURACION: Centro Nacional de la Música (Dez/2007 - Santiago, CHILE)


De: contacto em antara.cl


CHILE 2007



Disciplinas Instrumentales Principales
Violín, Viola, Violoncelo, Contrabajo, Flauta Traversa, Flauta Dulce, Oboe,
Clarinete, Fagot, Corno, Saxófon, Piano, Canto, Guitarra.

Disciplinas Complementarias Mínimas
Práticas Instrumentales Colectivas, Formación Musical (Solfeo, Teoría
Musical, Entrenamiento Auditivo, Prática Coral, Audición Dirigida, Armonía,
Análisis, Contrapunto).

Jardín Musical Niños

Disciplinas Instrumentales, Complementarias y Talleres para Jóvenes y


Disciplinas Principales
Voz, Saxofón, Piano, Guitarra, Contrabajo, Bajo Eléctrico

Disciplinas Complementarias
Formación Musical, Prática Instrumental Colectiva, Improvisación, Armonía
Jazz, Historia y Estética del Jazz

Del 3 al 31 de Diciembre 2007

Jueves 3 y Viernes 4 de Enero de 9:00 a 18:00

Hasta el 28 de Enero 2008

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