[discentesppgo-fop-l] Fwd: Paul Walton: Gender equality in science - how can we achieve it?

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Ter Set 10 11:48:17 -03 2019


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De: Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa da Unicamp <prp.docentes-l em listas.unicamp.br>
Date: ter, 10 de set de 2019 às 10:35
Subject: Paul Walton: Gender equality in science - how can we achieve it?
To: <prp.docentes-l em listas.unicamp.br>, <prp.pppd-l em listas.unicamp.br>, <
prp.pq-l em listas.unicamp.br>

Gender equality in science - how can we achieve it?

Professor Paul Walton (University of York - UK), conhecido
internacionalmente por seu trabalho sobre questões de igualdade na ciência,
estará no *Auditório da FCM no dia 13 de setembro, 10h*. Evento é aberto ao
público geral e livre de inscrição.
Paul Walton obtained his PhD in 1990 (University of Nottingham, UK),
followed by two years as a NATO/SERC postdoctoral fellow at the University
of California, Berkeley, USA. He joined the Department of Chemistry at
York as a faculty member in 1993. Between 2004 and 2010 he was chair of
department. His main research area is bioinorganic chemistry, in which he
has made contributions to the understanding of copper oxidases, including
the discovery of the *histidine brace*.  He is the recipient of multiple
awards: the Royal Society of Chemistry's Higher Education Teaching Award,
RSC's 2016 Joseph Chatt Award
 for *outstanding multidisciplinary research*, the IChemE's Global Award
energy research, and the Royal Society's inaugural Athena Prize
gender equality work (runner up). He has also been the editor of *Dalton
Transactions *(2004-2008), chair of Heads of Chemistry UK, chair of the
Royal Society of Chemistry's Diversity Committee and is one the RSC's 175
Faces of Chemistry
Paul is an internationally-known advocate of equality in sciences and lectures
widely on the subject

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