[Lees-l] Fwd: Congratulations

Ana Maria Alves Carneiro da Silva anamacs em unicamp.br
Qui Out 10 11:59:41 -03 2019

O LEES parabeniza a profa. Elizabeth Balbachevsky e os demais autores
do livro Professional Pathways: Academic Careers in a Global
Perspective que acaba de ser premiado com o  2019 CIHE (Council of
International Higher Education) Award for Significant Contribution to
International Higher Education from the Association for the Study of
Higher Education (ASHE) in the United States.

O livro é um produto de um seminário que organizado com patrocínio da
FAPESP sobre profissão acadêmica.
Mais detalhes abaixo na mensagem de Glen Jones, organizador do livro.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Glen Jones <glen.jones em utoronto.ca>
Date: Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 3:55 PM
Subject: Congratulations

Good afternoon everyone,

We want to say, once again, what a great privilege it was to work with
all of you on the Professional Pathways: Academic Careers in a Global
Perspective book. As you may have seen, the book is receiving quite
positive reviews.

 We are writing to let you know that our book has just received the
2019 CIHE (Council of International Higher Education) Award for
Significant Contribution to International Higher Education from the
Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in the United
States. The award is given to one publication each year based on the
quality of scholarship and its contribution to the study of
international higher education. We believe that the award is largely a
recognition of the tremendous collaborative team that worked so hard
on this project – every chapter makes a huge contribution!

We wish you all the very best.

Take care,

Glen and Marty

Ana Maria Carneiro

Researcher at Center for  Public Policy Study (NEPP)
Advisor for Unicamp Institutional Evaluation - Vice Rectory
University of Campinas (Unicamp)
anamaria em nepp.unicamp.br
+5519 3521 8063 / 3521 2491

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