[Lees-l] Fwd: JCIHE Call for Proposals - Indigenous Knowledge

Ana Maria Alves Carneiro da Silva anamacs em unicamp.br
Seg Jan 27 14:18:18 -03 2020

Chamada de trabalhos sobre a incorporação do conhecimento indígena no
ensino superior.

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De: Rosalind Raby <oic213 em lehigh.edu>
Date: seg., 27 de jan. de 2020 às 09:22
Subject: JCIHE Call for Proposals - Indigenous Knowledge
To: <anamacs em unicamp.br>

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*Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education*

*Call for Proposals*

*Exploring the Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Postsecondary Policies and
Practices  Toward Sustainable Development *

*Guest Editors: Dr. Marcellus Mbah, Senior Lecturer, Nottingham Trent
University &*

*Dr. Ane Turner Johnson, Associate Professor, Rowan University  *
*Proposals due by June 1, 2020. Publication date Summer 2021. *

Universities have an integral role in the development of communities; this
is underpinned by the notion that universities possess a social
responsibility to be agents of change in relation to society’s
socio-economic, political, and environmental issues (Chile & Black, 2015).
As universities continue to metamorphose in their role in relation to their
local, regional, national, and continental commitment (McCowan & Schendel,
2016), international bodies such as the United Nations have highlighted the
need to include and protect Indigenous peoples and cultures in
interventions aimed at benefiting local communities (Collins & Rhodes,
2010; Weichselgartner & Kasperson, 2010). Consequently, the quest for
sustainable development requires an exploration of different forms of
Indigenous knowledge, practices and adaptations within a symbiotic
framework of engaged learning and research (Mbah, 2018).

This knowledge “incorporates experiences, skills, and techniques,
remembered and accumulated” (Turner et al., 2008, p. 46). Indigenous
knowledge is best understood as reflecting traditional, empirical, and
revealed understandings of the world associated with “economic, cultural,
political, spiritual, ecological and material forces and conditions” (Dei,
2000, p. 115). This knowledge transcends disciplinarity and is hard to
define (Mawere, 2005). Examples from our research in The Gambia and Zambia
include traditional justice approaches to address conflict, agricultural
applications, reproductive beliefs and methods, health and disease
prevention practices, among many others.

When engaged authentically, Indigenous knowledge can have a decolonizing
effect and contribute to the epistemological diversity of the university
(Collins & Mueller, 2016), particularly when co-created via community
engagement (Moore, 2014). For example, preliminary findings from our
research show institutions incorporating Indigenous knowledge into
coursework in order to increase the relevance of graduates to development.
Additionally, the university created a socio-cultural research program that
promotes and preserves intangible cultural heritage, demonstrating that
universities can maximize the relevance of local Indigenous cultures,
strategies, and adaptations for sustainable development, as well as
mitigate the monofaceted Eurocentric epistemology inherent in modern
education (Higgs & Moeketsi, 2012; Barongo-Muweke, 2016; Gorski, 2008; Tuck
& Yang, 2012).

The call for proposals for this special issue seeks work that explores how
aspects of the university’s mission can capture and maximize Indigenous
know-how and strategies for sustainable development. We seek to contribute
to the understanding of the relevance of Indigenous knowledge systems
within the framework of engaged teaching and learning and to what extent
the Eurocentric epistemology inherent in modern education can be mitigated
for development. We seek work for this special issue that is diverse,
exploring Indigenous knowledge in higher education via an array of
methodologies, geographies, communities, and theoretical orientations. The
special issue has the potential to inform the relationship between
participation of higher education institutions in fostering sustainable
development, supporting formal engagement with Indigenous knowledge, and
bringing to light collaborations between universities and communities to
address critical problems faced by societies across the globe.

Proposals should be 500 words and submitted on or before June 1st, 2020.
Authors will be notified by July 1st of their acceptance. Completed
articles should be 3,500 - 5,500 words and submitted by October 1st, 2020.
All articles will undergo a blind-review peer-editing process.  Please send
to https://www.ojed.org/index.php/jcihe/about/submissions
Questions? Contact Dr. Ane Turner Johnson at  johnsona em rowan.edu.

*Dr. Rosalind Raby*
Editor-in-Chief, *Journal of Comparative and International Higher

*Director, California Colleges for International Education*
The U.S.A.

*Editorial Team

Rosalind Latiner Raby
Editor-in-Chief, 2016-2019
California State University, Northridge

Gerardo Blanco-Ramirez
Executive Editor, 2017-2020
University of Connecticut

Pilar Mendoza
Executive Editor, 2019-2022
University of Missouri

Bernhard Streitwieser
Senior Editor, 2017-2020
The George Washington University

Hei-hang Hayes Tang
Managing Editor, 2019-2021
The Education University of Hong Kong

Angel Oi Yee Cheng
Communications Editor, 2019-2021
Lehigh University

Shasha Cui
Copy Editor
University of Rochester
*Related Journals > *

   - *Journal of I
   - *Higher Education Politics & Economics*
   - *Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress*

The *Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education *is a Gold
Open Access publication.
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Ana Maria Carneiro

Researcher at the Center for  Public Policy Study (NEPP)
Advisor for Unicamp Institutional Evaluation - Vice Rectory
University of Campinas (Unicamp)
anamaria em nepp.unicamp.br
+5519 3521 8063 / 3521 2491

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