[Lees-l] Fwd: 2017 Conference = New Book - Neo-Nationalism and Universities - Johns Hopkins University Press

Ana Maria Carneiro anamacs em unicamp.br
Quarta Setembro 8 14:50:21 -03 2021

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Marcelo Knobel <knobel em ifi.unicamp.br>

Para o LEES

*De:* John A. DOUGLASS <douglass em berkeley.edu>

Back in late 2017, we held a conference here on the Berkeley campus on the
theme of new nationalism and universities which you graciously participated
in - thank you once again!

It has been long haul with an academic press, but I am happy to note that
the new book *Neo-Nationalism and Universities: Populists, Autocrats and
the Future of Higher Education*
just been published by Johns Hopkins University Press as a paperback. It is
also available as a *free Open Access Ebook *via JHUP’s Project MUSE

I am the lead author and shaped the analytical lens in a series of
chapters, but we also have contributing chapters from colleagues (including
Igor Chirikov, Wilhelm Krull, Brendan O’Malley, and Marijk van der Wende)
that focus on case studies, including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Russia,
Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands and the EU more
generally, Brazil, the UK and, of course, the US. The intent of the book is
to systematically examine the plight of universities in an era of rising
populism and autocratic rule, and to explore the dynamics of these powerful
political movements and their consequences for civil society. Funding for
the project was provided by the Carnegie Corporation

FYI, my center here at Berkeley will host an online book launch event on
Sept 14 10 to 11 AM PDT
<https://cshe.berkeley.edu/meet-author-neo-nationalism-and-universities> under
a “meet the author” format with our center director, George Blumenthal
(former Chancellor at UC Santa Cruz) interviewing me and taking questions
from participants.

A series of related articles is being published in *University World News*

Endorsements listed below.



P.S. Thank you Marcelo Knobel, Steve Brint and Christina Musselin for your
kind endorsements shown below.


John Aubrey Douglass <http://cshe.berkeley.edu/people/john-aubrey-douglass>

Center for Studies in Higher Education <http://www.cshe.berkeley.edu/> -
Goldman School of Public Policy - UC Berkeley

Founding PI - Student Experience in the Research University *(SERU)
<http://www.cshe.berkeley.edu/seru>* Consortium

UWNews: Universities Under Attack

ROPS: COVID Vaccine Race and Federally Funded Research

Chapter: Pathways for Improving Doctoral Education
Using Data in the Pre- and Post-COVID Era

New Book: *Neo-Nationalism and Universities*

Ana Maria Carneiro

Researcher at the Center for  Public Policy Studies (NEPP)
University of Campinas (Unicamp)
anamaria em nepp.unicamp.br
+55 19 3521 8063 / 3521 2491
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