[Lees-l] Fwd: Call for an Associate Editor specialist in quantitative analysis

Ana Maria Carneiro anamacs em unicamp.br
Quinta Abril 28 07:53:12 -03 2022

Divulgando a pedido da profa. Elizabeth Balbachevsky

---------- Forwarded message ---------

the Higher Education Quarterly journal i is looking for a new Associate
Editor in Quantitative Analysis, and we would be very grateful if you
spread the following advert amongst your networks to encourage the broadest
range of applicants. Please see the advert here:

Prof Elizabeth Balbachevsky, Dr, Priv. Doc.,
Associate Professor
- Department of Political Science, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil.
-  Center for Public Policy Research at the Institute of Advanced Studies
(IEA), University of São Paulo (NUPPs/USP)

Mail address:
Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, f. 9
05508-060 São Paulo, SP
+551130913272; skype: elizabeth.balbachevsky

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