[SECURITY-L] [CAIS-Artigo]: "The Enemy Within: Firewalls and Backdoors"

Daniela Regina Barbetti Silva daniela em ccuec.unicamp.br
Qui Jun 12 09:15:21 -03 2003

----- Forwarded message from "Liliana E. Velasquez Alegre Solha" <nina em cais.rnp.br> -----

From: "Liliana E. Velasquez Alegre Solha" <nina em cais.rnp.br>
Subject: [S] [CAIS-Artigo]: "The Enemy Within: Firewalls and Backdoors"
To: seguranca em pangeia.com.br
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:01:19 -0300 (BRT)

Mais um artigo interessante da Security Focus.

   The Enemy Within: Firewalls and Backdoors
   By Bob Rudis and Phil Kostenbader


   " This article presents an overview of modern backdoor techniques,
     discusses how they can be used to bypass the security infrastructure
     that exists in most network deployments and issues a wake-up call for
     those relying on current technologies to safeguard their

Um abraco,


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