[SECURITY-L] Snort 2.1.2 released!

CSIRT - UNICAMP security em unicamp.br
Sex Abr 2 15:54:19 -03 2004

----- Forwarded message from Nelson Murilo <nelson em pangeia.com.br> -----

From: Nelson Murilo <nelson em pangeia.com.br>
Subject: [S] [jh em sourcefire.com: Snort 2.1.2 released!]
To: seguranca em pangeia.com.br
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 23:07:41 -0300

----- Forwarded message from Jeremy Hewlett <jh em sourcefire.com> -----

Good afternoon, snorters!

The Snort Team is proud to officially release Snort v2.1.2. This is a
bugfix release, and so it is recommended that users upgrade to this
new release.

Fixes highlighted for this release are as follows:

* Fixed conversation parsing faults so users can operate this
* Detect non-rfc standard chunk encodings (thanks, H.D. Moore
  <hdm em digitaloffense.net>)
* Detect abnormal HTTP requests with newlines, spaces, etc. before the
  request method (thanks, Kanatoko <anvil em jumperz.net>).
* Fix invalid ptr reference that occurred on Fedora.  This should also
  help reduce any false positive 'U Decoding' alerts.  (thanks, Owen
  Crow <Owen_Crow em bmc.com>)
* Fix possible condition where request pipeline URL gets inspected,
  but the rest of a packet doesn't.
* Fix negative stats output on snort exit or SIGUSR1.  (thanks, Owen
  Crow <Owen_Crow em bmc.com> and others)

Thanks to the community for your continued input and comments, as
always, it is much appreciated!

Happy Snorting,
The Snort Team

----- End forwarded message -----

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