[SECURITY-L] [Security-news] Two-factor Authentication (TFA) - Critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2023-030

CSIRT Unicamp security em unicamp.br
Quarta Julho 12 15:50:52 -03 2023

View online: https://www.drupal.org/sa-contrib-2023-030

Project: Two-factor Authentication (TFA) [1]
Date: 2023-July-12
Security risk: *Critical* 17∕25
AC:Basic/A:None/CI:Some/II:Some/E:Proof/TD:All [2]
Vulnerability: Access bypass

Affected versions: ^1 <= 1.0.0
This module enables you to allow and/or require users to use a second
authentication method in addition to password authentication.

The module doesn't sufficiently ensure all core login routes, including the
password reset page, require a second factor credential.

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must obtain a
first-factor login credential.

Install the latest version:

   * If you use the Two-factor Authentication (TFA) module for Drupal 8/9
     please upgrade to TFA 8.x-1.1 [3]

Ensure all additional external forms of authentication, such as REST, have
been disabled.

Reported By:
   * Conrad Lara [4]
   * Benji Fisher [5] of the Drupal Security Team

Fixed By:
   * Lee Rowlands [6] of the Drupal Security Team
   * João Ventura [7]
   * Conrad Lara [8]
   * Benji Fisher [9] of the Drupal Security Team
   * Mingsong  [10]
   * Jonathan Daggerhart [11]
   * Vitaliy Bogomazyuk [12]
   * Giles Birch [13]
   * N Cantrell [14]
   * Reinder Venema [15]
   * Rory Downes [16]

Coordinated By:
   * Damien McKenna [17] of the Drupal Security Team
   * Greg Knaddison [18] of the Drupal Security Team

[1] https://www.drupal.org/project/tfa
[2] https://www.drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels
[3] https://www.drupal.org/project/tfa/releases/8.x-1.1
[4] https://www.drupal.org/user/1790054
[5] https://www.drupal.org/user/683300
[6] https://www.drupal.org/user/395439
[7] https://www.drupal.org/user/122464
[8] https://www.drupal.org/user/1790054
[9] https://www.drupal.org/user/683300
[10] https://www.drupal.org/user/2986445
[11] https://www.drupal.org/user/167806
[12] https://www.drupal.org/user/3514011
[13] https://www.drupal.org/user/512726
[14] https://www.drupal.org/user/3593195
[15] https://www.drupal.org/user/3669405
[16] https://www.drupal.org/user/2998173
[17] https://www.drupal.org/user/108450
[18] https://www.drupal.org/user/36762

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Computer Security Incident Response Team - CSIRT
Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp
Centro de Computacao - CCUEC
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.security.unicamp.br/security.asc [^]
Contato: +55 19 3521-2289 ou INOC-DBA: 1251*830
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