[ANPPOM-Lista] timothy taylor recebe prêmio da arsc

Carlos Palombini cpalombini em gmail.com
Dom Out 6 16:06:32 BRT 2013

*Timothy Taylor was awarded ARSC award * **

Timothy D. Taylor, UCLA Professor of Ethnomusicology and Musicology, has
received a 2013 Award for Excellence from the ARSC for the collection
entitled "Music, Sound, and Technology in America: A Documentary History of
Early Phonograph, Cinema, and Radio", which he co-edited with Mark Katz and
Anthony Grajeda. The work received a Certificate of Merit in the category
of Best General Research in Recorded Sound. Begun in 1991, the awards are
presented to authors and publishers of books, articles, liner notes, and
monographs, to recognize outstanding published research in the field of
recorded sound.



carlos palombini
professor de musicologia ufmg
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