[ANPPOM-Lista] Novo livro em pesquisa artística

Martha Tupinambá de Ulhoa mulhoa em unirio.br
Sex Dez 22 14:59:50 BRST 2017


Since the 1970s, the landscape of higher education and research has been
considerably altered by the integration of the arts within the university
environment. Even though a form of research is inherent to artistic
creation, the creative process is not comparable to the established
procedures involved in academic research. As such, how can the imperatives
of intellectual (and sometimes restrictive) rigour characteristic of
scholarly endeavours be reconciled with the more explorative and intuitive
approach of artistic creation? The concept of 'research-creation' allows
artists and scholars to collaborate on a common project, acknowledging each
participant’s expertise in the production of an artistic work that either
generates theoretical reflections or has emerged from academic research.
This fully revised and updated translation of Sophie Stévance and Serge
Lacasse’s original French book offers an overview of the historical,
political, social, cultural and academic contexts within which
research-creation has emerged in Quebec and Canada, before similar (yet
often divergent) conceptions appeared elsewhere in the world. Focussing
primarily on the case of music, the book goes on to explore the pedagogical
potential of research-creation within a university-based environment and
proposes a clear and encompassing definition, as well as a theoretical
model, of research-creation supported by concrete examples. By underscoring
the reciprocal nature of this approach and the potential benefits of
collaborative relationships, the authors’ vision of research-creation
extends far beyond the field of music and art alone: rather, it has the
potential to integrate all approaches and disciplines that seek to combine
practice and research.

Martha Tupinambá de Ulhôa
Secretária, ANPPOM

+55 21 2287-3775 / cel: +55 21 99993-3775



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