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Sex Jul 13 19:35:34 BRT 2007

*FWD cdmc  - 26   13/07/2007 *




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1 -        CONCERTO: Obras de Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (15/Jul, 11:30hs -
CCSP, Sao Paulo, SP) <#_Toc172103624>
2 -        EXPOSICAO: Compositor Aldo Moraes (31/Jul-11/Ago - Londrina, PR,
Brasil) <#_Toc172103625>
3 -        CALL FOR SCORES: Fresh Meat (NO DEADLINE - Belfast, Reino
4 -        CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Extended submission deadline for Spanish
LABS (31/Jul) <#_Toc172103627>
5 -        COMPOSITION COMPETITION: Musica Nova 2007 (10/Out/2007 - Praga,
Republica Checa) <#_Toc172103628>
6 -        CONCERTO: Nuovo Ensemble Contemporaneo. Obras de Stockhausen,
Varese, Stravinsky, Mario Mary e Reich (15/Jul- Lomas de Zamorra,
7 -        CONGRESO: Congreso Regional de formación artística y cultural
para América Latina y el Caribe (08-10/Ago - Medellin, Colombia)<#_Toc172103630>
8 -        CONGRESO: "REpercusiones en CR 2007" (19-29/Jul - San Jose, Costa
Rica) <#_Toc172103631>
9 -        FESTIVAL: New Forms Festival 07 - Re:Use (06-16/Set - Vancouver,
Canada) <#_Toc172103632>
10 -      NEWS: José Luis Campana's World Premiere (18/Jul, 22:00hs -
Tarragona, Espanha) <#_Toc172103633>
11 -      RADIO: Classicos de Latinoamerica (Jul/2007 - Rosario, Argentina)
www.unr.edu.ar y www.radioclasicarosario.com.ar <#_Toc172103634>


1. CONCERTO: Obras de Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (15/Jul, 11:30hs - CCSP, Sao
Paulo, SP)



dia 15
às 11h30

Mario Castelnuovo - Tedesco

Primeira audição no Brasil da obra Les guitares bien témpérées.

violonistas participantes: Eduardo Minozzi, Gabriel Navia, Ítalo Aoki e
Thiago Abdalla - coordenação: Edelton Gloeden

Com uma vasta obra para violão, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1885-1968)
destaca-se como um dos principais violonistas do século XX. Desde o início
de sua carreira teve suas obras interpretadas por grandes músicos, como
Arturo Toscanini, Walter Gieseking e Jascha Heifetz. Sua produção para
violão pode ser dividida em duas grandes fases. A primeira (1932-1939)
caracteriza-se por uma forte ligação à tradição musical italiana e pela
grande influência exercida pelo violonista Andrés Segovia (1893-1987), que
incentivou um grande número de compositores a escrever para violão. Na
segunda fase, que tem seu início marcado pela chegada do compositor aos EUA,
pode-se notar a influência da música de cinema. Foi uma certa
descentralização de sua produção, que inicialmente havia sido toda dedicada
a Andrés Segovia, e à criação de obras para inusitadas formações com violão.
Dedicada ao duo Ida Presti e Alexandre Lagoya, Les Guitarres Bien Tempérées
está entre as mais importantes obras do repertório para dois violões e é,
sem dúvida, a maior em extensão (aproximadamente duas horas).


Tedesco (1895-1968)
Les guitares bien tempérés
24 prelúdios e fugas para dois violões, op. 119 (1962)

Italo Aoki e Thiago Abdalla
Prelúdio e fuga em sol menor
Prelúdio e fuga em ré maior

Gabriel Navia e Italo Aoki
Prelúdio e fuga em dó sustenido menor
Prelúdio e fuga em mi bemol menor

Gabriel Navia e Thiago Abdalla
Prelúdio e fuga em sol maior
Prelúdio e fuga em lá maior

Eduardo Minozzi e Thiago Abdalla
Prelúdio e fuga em si bemol maior
Prelúdio e fuga em lá maior

Eduardo Minozzi e Italo Aoki
Prelúdio e fuga em fá sustenido menor
Prelúdio e fuga em si maior

Eduardo Minozzi e Gabriel Navia
Prelúdio e fuga em mi maior
Prelúdio e fuga em fá sustenido maior


2. EXPOSICAO: Compositor Aldo Moraes (31/Jul-11/Ago - Londrina, PR, Brasil)


De: infoartebrasil em yahoo.com.br


De 31/07 a 11/08, a Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Londrina (PR) recebe
exposição de fotos que retrata a trajetória do jovem compositor
contemporâneo Aldo Moraes, nascido nesta cidade em 1970.As fotos registram
concertos e passeios de Moraes pelo interior do país, coletando material com
quilombolas e indígenas.

Moraes estudou em Londrina com Gervásio Basílio Nunes e Mário
Loureiro.Também estudou com Hans Joachin Koellreutter e Gerard Behague e fez
diversos workshops com Arrigo Barnabé, Nana Vasconcelos, Sérgio Rizek.

Participante da Bienal de Música Contemporânea (RJ) e do VII ENCOMPOR,
Moraes é premiado na Suíça e Áustria e, teve peças executadas em diversos
Estados Brasileiros e no exterior: Itália, Espanha, França,
Argentina.Gravouos cds Gestos ( piano solo) e Twins sounds (câmara)
Paralela à sua carreira de compositor, coordena atividades arte-educativas à
frente do Instituto Arte Brasil.

Info: composermoraes em hotmail.com

Fone: 0xx43 3334-3562


3. CALL FOR SCORES: Fresh Meat (NO DEADLINE - Belfast, Reino Unido)


FRESH MEAT: Call for Scores, Northern Ireland

No deadline

Belfast's avant-garde open mic night (most Thursdays at the Black Box) is
looking for miniatures for the following instrumentation: String quartet;
Clarinet, viola, piano; Solo violin; Solo tenor sax; or Solo clarinet.

If your piece is 100 notes or less it will be included in the Irish
Miniaturist Catalogue. A performance of collected miniatures will take place
later in the year.

Email: Peter Rosser: Ireland em livemusicnow.org


4. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Extended submission deadline for Spanish LABS


Extended submission deadline for Spanish LABS: 31 July 2007

Thesis Abstract submittal forms for Spanish language abstracts can be found
at http://www.uoc.edu/artnodes/leonardolabs

Leonardo Abstracts Service (LABS), consisting of English-language and
Spanish-language databases, is a comprehensive collection of Ph.D., Masters
and MFA thesis abstracts on topics in the emerging intersection between art,
science and technology. Individuals receiving advanced degrees in the arts
(visual, sound, performance, text), computer sciences, the sciences and/or
technology that in some way investigate philosophical, historical or
critical applications of science or technology to the arts are invited to
submit abstracts of their theses for consideration.

For more information about LABS visit:

The LABS project is part of the Leonardo Educators and Students program.

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are
tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's projects,
programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info


5. COMPOSITION COMPETITION: Musica Nova 2007 (10/Out/2007 - Praga, Republica


De: http://www.musica.cz/musnova/MN-07e.htm

Spolecnost pro elektroakustickou hudbu
(Society for Electro-acoustic Music of the Czech Republic)

announces an

International Electro-acoustic Music Composition Competition


1. The competition MUSICA NOVA was for the first time realized in 1969.

2. Composers, irregardless of their age and nationality are invited to
submit their works of electro-acoustic music created after 1st January 2004.

3. Category A is open to compositions of autonomous art electro-acoustic
music (tape music), or only one independent movement.

4. Category B is open to compositions of autonomous art electro-acoustic
music, or only one independent movement, for acoustic
instrument/voice/ensemble plus electronic media. Send one of realized
complete version of the composition, sent only electro-acoustic without the
instrumental or voice part will be excluded.

5. Each composer may submit only one entry to each category in duration of
no longer than 20 minutes, and the work may not have been awarded a prize in
another competition, nor been submitted to previous MUSICA NOVA

6. Competition entries in both categories must be submitted with the name of
the composer specified.

7. Members of the jury cannot take part in the competition.

8. The jury of the competition shall be appointed by the leadership of the
Society for Electro-acoustic Music and composed of leading composers of
electro-acoustic compositions, musicologists, critics, and recording
engineers specializing in the electro-acoustic music field.

9. Entries must be sent to the following address postmarked:

MUSICA NOVA 2007, HIS, Besedni 3, 118 00 PRAHA 1, Czech Republic - no later
than 10 October 2007.

a. Entries into category A and B, recorded on a sophisticated technical
level and in stereo, must be submitted in the medium of CD or DVD, and
indexed by their I.D. number and/or absolute time

b. Entries into categories A and B shall be accompanied by a score (if
necessary), technical and artistic description, name of studio where work
was produced, their durata, graphs, etc., to be judged by the jury

c. Entries into categories A and B shall be accompanied by a brief artist
statement, short biography, nationality, address, telephone number, fax, and
e-mail (attached form), see attached form

10. The entry fee for each composition is 20 EURO (or equivalent).

Way of payment:

-  IMO (International Money Order), address: HIS (Musica Nova), Besedni 3,
118 00 Praha 1, CZ
-  Check,  write on it: Society for Electro-acoustic Music, Musica Nova only
(not the address of HIS please - it is only an address postal for sending
your CD or IMO!)
-  Bank  order  Number of our bank account: 14045349/0800
Name and address of our bank: C.S.a.s., Konevova 4, 130 00 PRAHA 3, Czech
Name of our account: Society for Electro-acoustic Music, Jeronymova 7, 130
00 Praha 3, Czech Republic - Swift code (number): CSPOCZPP

Please, hold the distinction of address postal (HIS Besedni) and address
official that could be write on the bank order or checks. If your transfer
charges would be to expensive, write to lenka.dohnalova em divadlo.cz, please.

11. The audio recordings entered in the competition shall not be returned to
the composers and shall remain in the Society for Electro-acoustic Music

12. By entering his/her work in the competition, the composer consents to
public performances of his/her work in concerts and/or radio broadcasting.
The composer retains the copyright.

13. Prizes shall be awarded for the winning entries after the jury has
announced its verdict, which cannot be appealed. The jury can decide to
either combine, divide or not award some of the prizes.

14. Prizes in Categories A and B include: First Prizes, Honorable Mentions
and Special Prizes for Czech composers and for young composers (until 30

15. All entrants shall be notified of the verdict by the jury on the
awarding of prizes and honorable mentions by 15 November 2007.

16. Prizes will be presented during the award concert in December 2007 in

17. The awarded compositions will be performed in concerts organized by the
Society for Electro-acoustic Music and broadcast by radio. The outcome of
the competition will be published in the network of International Music
Council too.


Director of the competition: Lenka Dohnalova, Ph.D - tel. +420/603584218,
tel&fax +420/222540809, lenka.dohnalova em divadlo.cz



6. CONCERTO: Nuovo Ensemble Contemporaneo. Obras de Stockhausen, Varese,
Stravinsky, Mario Mary e Reich (15/Jul- Lomas de Zamorra, Argentina)


De: joseamato em hotmail.com





nuevo ensamble contemporáneo*

Dirección musical y artística: José Amato

Obras de Stockhausen, Varese, Stravinsky, Mario Mary y S. Reich

Flauta: Mariana Iturri
Clarinete:Santiago Pedernera
Violoncello:Diego Adamo
Piano:Matías Wilson

Larrea 350
(esq. H. Yrigoyen)

Martes 17 de julio
19.30 hs
Bono 5$  (Estudiantes 2 x 1)

*Ensamble residente del Conservatorio Julián Aguirre

Creado en 2004 por José Amato, el nec*, tiene como objetivo recorrer las
distintas estéticas de nuestro tiempo. Este camino será a través de las
obras maestras del siglo, de nuestros autores, consagrados o noveles; en
obras camerísticas,  experimentales o interactuando con la tecnología,
siempre buscando distintos canales de comunicación para nuevos públicos.

Llamado a Compositores

 El nec* seleccionará obras para sus presentaciones en dos categorías:
Quinteto (fl, cl, vl, vc y pn) o cualquiera combinación de estos
instrumentos y medios electroacústicos


7. CONGRESO: Congreso Regional de formación artística y cultural para
América Latina y el Caribe (08-10/Ago - Medellin, Colombia)


De: http://artes.udea.edu.co/

El Congreso Regional de formación artística y cultural para América Latina y
el Caribe que se realizará en Medellín - Antioquia los días 8, 9 y 10 de
Agosto de 2007 en el Centro Internacional de Convenciones Plaza Mayor es
promovido por la InSEA -Internacional Society for Education through Art,
Asociación mundial fundada en 1946 en Bristol Inglaterra, por Sir Herbert
Read. Cuenta con el apoyo de los Ministerios de Cultura y de Educación
Nacional, Acofartes, la Universidad de Antioquia y la Gobernación de

Retoma las conclusiones emanadas de la Conferencia Regional de Educación
Artística, de 2005 en Bogotá, en la que participaron representantes de los
Ministerios de educación y de cultura de 20 países que suscribieron la
"Declaración de Bogotá", posición oficial de América Latina socializada en
el Encuentro Mundial de Educación Artística en Lisboa, en marzo del 2006,
donde la UNESCO generó la hoja de ruta, para el área de educación artística
y cultural.

Encuentre mayor información en


sobre el Congreso de Formación artística y allí mismo, información del
Encuentro de Facultades de Artes.


8. CONGRESO: "REpercusiones en CR 2007" (19-29/Jul - San Jose, Costa Rica)


REpercusionES en Costa Rica 2007
repercus em una.ac.cr

En el marco del Programa Nuevos Oídos en Centroamérica, la Universidad
Nacional de Costa Rica se complace en invitarlos al I Congreso Festival
Internacional de Percusión "REpercusiones en CR 2007" que tendrá lugar del
17 al 29 de julio en el Auditorio Clorito Picado.

Se realizarán clases magistrales, ensambles, talleres y las siguientes

*Conferencia sobre "Percusión Popular en Costa Rica" Carlos Saavedra Viernes
20 de julio 2 p.m. Auditorio Clorito Picado  de la Universidad Nacional

*Conferencia "Percusión en la música contemporánea" Klaus Dreher y Klaus
Tresselt Lunes 23 de julio 6 p.m. Auditorio Clorito Picado

*Concierto de Música de Cámara para Percusión con el Trío Catefrapp' y el
Sexteto 3+3.  Martes 24 de julio 7:30 p..m. Auditorio Clorito Picado.
Celebración del XXV Aniversario del Fondo de Beneficio Social.

*Recital de Marta Klimasara (aclamada como una de las mejores percusionistas
solistas a nivel mundial) Jueves 26 de julio 7:30 p.m. Auditorio Clorito

*Concierto de Clausura con los invitados del Percussion Ensamble Stuttgart
(PEST) y los participantes de "REpercusionES en CR 2007": Ensasmble de
Percusión Costa Rica, Ensamble de Percusión Universidad de Costa Rica,
Ensamble de Percusión Universidad Nacional, Ensamble de Percusión
Conservatorio Castella, entre otros, Domingo 29 de julio 8 p.m. Auditorio
Nacional, San José


9. FESTIVAL: New Forms Festival 07 - Re:Use (06-16/Set - Vancouver, Canada)


De: http://2007.newformsfestival.com/

New Forms Festival 07: Re:Use

September 6-16th, 2007

The organizers of the New Forms Festival are getting ready, and the 7th
edition of the festival is gradually taking shape. The New Forms Festival
has grown from its humble beginnings as a small grassroots media arts
festival to being one of the largest media arts festivals on the West Coast
and in Canada. For 11 exciting days and nights, beginning Thursday,
September 6th, and ending Monday, September 17th, more than fifty local and
international artists will be involved in over 10 performances, events,
conferences, discussions and workshops at various indoor and outdoor
locations throughout Vancouver.

In addition to new live performances and art in physical spaces, this year's
New Forms will be introducing an online gallery and an archive of festivals
past. The online gallery will feature sound, video and web-based art.

The theme for NF07 is Re:Use, encompassing a wide variety of artistic and
intellectual practices including, but not limited to, sampling, collage,
remixing, and appropriation. Whether it involves the recycling of equipment
and changes in its function, the reprogramming of material, the sampling and
mashing-up of sounds and images or the rethinking of ideas, the notion of
re:use encapsulates the continuous growth and change in media and electronic
In addition to the new theme, artworks, and music at this year's festival,
New Forms would like to announce a few more changes:

Even if most of our partners return from one year to another, every edition
brings us additional partners, who enrich a little more the experience of
the festival. We have the pleasure to announce the addition of several new
partners this year: Alliance Francaise, The Emily Carr Institute of Art and
Design, WAG Design and Earthman Media, and Industry Images.

For the past seven years, New Forms has also been partners with Video-In,
but this year sees New Forms moving its offices from Open Studios to
Video-In. This will deepen the partnership, creating new synergies,
collaborations and crossovers, and further the exchange of new ideas between
the two partners.

New Forms has also begun to work with local Artist Run Centers to produce
works specifically related to the festival. The goals are to create a larger
audience for these local artists' works and to give these artists a forum to
display works in an international context. The first of these partnerships
will be with OFMAS (Open Forum Media Arts Society) for 2007. We will be
contacting other Artist Run Centres in Vancouver concerning this in the
months ahead. The Residency Program is only applicable to local artists and
community projects are encouraged. Please contact
curatorial em newformsfestival.com for further information on the program.


10. NEWS: José Luis Campana's World Premiere (18/Jul, 22:00hs - Tarragona,


Communiqué de presse

Le compositeur José Luis Campana a reçu le 1er Prix de Composition au
Concours international de composition 2006 "Ciutat de Tarragona",Catalogne
(Espagne) pour son oeuvre "Ser", concerto pour piano et orchestre (2005).

Cette oeuvre sera donnée en création mondiale le 18 juillet prochain à 22h00
au "Camp de Mart" de Tarragone (Espagne) par l'OBC (Orchestre Symphonique de
Barcelone et National de Catalogne).

José Luis Campana
"Ser"  2005
Concerto pour piano et orchestre

Julien Guénebaut

François Xavier Roth

Contact OBC:
Tél.: 00 34 93 247 93 00
Fax.: 00 34 93 247 93 01
Courriel: mgrau.obc em auditori.cat / bperez.obc em auditori.org

Contact Tarragone:
Mme Araceli Salto Saura
tél.: 00 34 97 72 96 100 ext 6513 / courriel: arsalto em tarragona.cat



The composer José Luis Campana has won the First International Prize at
"Ciutat de Tarragona" 2006 Composition Competition with his work "Ser",
concerto for piano and orchestra (2005).

The world premiere will be given at the "Camp de Mart " in Tarragona (Spain)
by the Barcelona and National Catalonia Symphony Orchestra (OBC) the 18 of
july at 10.00 pm.

José Luis Campana
"Ser" 2005
Concerto for piano and orchestra

Julien Guénebaut

François Xavier Roth

Contact OBC:
Phone: 00 34 93 247 93 00
Fax.: 00 34 93 247 93 01
Email: mgrau.obc em auditori.cat / bperez.obc em auditori.org

Contact Tarragona:
Araceli Salto Saura
phone: 00 34 97 72 96 100 ext 6513 / email: arsalto em tarragona.cat


11. RADIO: Classicos de Latinoamerica (Jul/2007 - Rosario, Argentina)
www.unr.edu.ar y www.radioclasicarosario.com.ar




Selección Musical y Textos:
Prof. Daniel A. Cozzi
Clasicosdelatinoamerica @yahoo.com.ar


Horario de transmisión
Domingos  13 horas

Domingo 15 de julio
Antonio Lauro (Venezuela) Sonata para  guitarra Rodolfo Arizaga (Argentina)
Libro de poemas y canciones con poesía de García Lorca Héctor Campos Parsi
(Puerto Rico)  Cuarteto de cuerdas

Domingo 22 de Julio
Esteban Salas (Cuba) Los bronces se enternezcan, Tonques presto a fuego para
coro y orquesta  Alberto Nepomuceno (Brasil) Sonata en fa menor Op. 9 para
piano Jorge Fontenla (Argentina) Cuarteto de maderas Fidel Rodríguez
Legendre (Venezuela) Catálogo de pulsiones sonoras para  violín y piano

Domingo 29 de Julio
Manuel Ponce (México) 24 preludios para guitarra  Joaquín Nin (Cuba) Tres
impresiones para piano  José Mauricio Nunes Garcia (Brasil) Obertura
"Zemira" para orquesta Juan de Dios López (Venezuela) Canciones sin palabras
para contrabajo y piano

Horarios de transmisión
Lunes l3 horas
Jueves 20 hs

Lunes 16 de Julio
Jueves 19 de Julio
Esteban Salas (Cuba)  Misa en sol menor para coro y orquesta  Luis Gianneo
(Argentina) Cuarteto criollo Nº 1 para cuerdas Eduardo Fabini
(Uruguay)  Mburucuyá
para orquesta

Lunes 23 de Julio
Jueves 26 de Julio
José Ángel Montero (Venezuela) Selecciones de la ópera "Virginia"

Lunes 30 de Julio
Jueves 2 de agosto
Moisés Moleiro (Venezuela)  Estampa de los llanos para piano Radames
Gnatalli  (Brasil) Sonata para violoncello y piano Sergio Calligaris
(Argentina)  Concierto op 29 para piano y orquesta
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