[Lees-l] Fwd: CHER Conference 2018 - this August in HSE Moscow

Ana Maria Alves Carneiro da Silva anamacs em g.unicamp.br
Sex Mar 23 11:19:54 BRT 2018

Call for abstract da Conferência do Consortium of Higher Education
Researchers (CHER) que ocorrerá entre 30 de agosto e 1 de setembro na
HSE em Moscow.

Deadline 30/03


The 31st CHER conference will focus on ‘Differentiation and
Integration in Higher Education: Patterns and Dynamics.’ We want to
provide a unique venue for researchers in various disciplines and with
diverse scholarly perspectives to network and discuss university
systems, HEI management, and the changing landscape of higher
education worldwide.

The deadline for abstract submission is MARCH 30, 2018 and I am kindly
asking you to spread this Call for proposal further to anyone
interested in higher education research.

fWill be happy to see you and your colleagues in Moscow,

You can find all information about the CHER-2018 in the attached new
Call for proposals.

best wishes,


Ana Maria Carneiro
Researcher at Center for  Public Policy Study (NEPP)
University of Campinas (Unicamp)
anamaria em nepp.unicamp.br
+5519 3521 2491
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