[ANPPOM-Lista] Palestra Motti Regev na UFF

Martha Ulhôa mulhoa1 em gmail.com
Qui Nov 17 12:13:13 BRST 2016

Dia 23 nov. 2016 o PPGCOM-UFF receberá o professor Motti Regev, da Open
University of Israel, que fará uma palestra com o tema de seu mais recente
livro "Pop-rock music and cultural globalization".

"Pop-rock music and globalization"
prof. Motti Regev

Dia 23 de novembro
Auditório - PPGCOM-UFF

Rua Tiradentes, 148
Ingá, Niterói



During the last half century, pop-rock music, with all its genres, styles,
scenes and trends has been localized and indigenized in most countries of
the world. By early 21st century, it has become the major cosmopolitan
musical culture of our times, epitomizing increased cultural similarity
around the globe, yet retaining much diversity and difference between
pop-rock styles and genres from different countries and regions. In this
lecture we will address several questions pertaining to the globalization
of pop-rock music. What is pop-rock music? How and why has it been adopted
by generations of musicians and fans across the world? What are the
cultural consequences of its localization in so many countries? The
discussion will be framed by concepts and insights from cultural sociology.


Motti Regev is a cultural sociologist, with expertise in popular music
studies. Following his research on popular music in Israel, he has studied
the globalization of rock and pop music. He has published articles in
leading international journals as well as several books including *Popular
Music and National Culture in Israel* (2004, University of California
Press, with Edwin Seroussi) and *Pop-Rock Music: Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism
in Late Modernity* (2013, Polity). Motti Regev is Professor of sociology at
the Open University of Israel, and was a visiting scholar in Princeton
University (1994), Linköping University (Sweden, 2006), The University of
Bologna (2011) and Griffith University (Australia, 2012).

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