[ANPPOM-Lista] CFP: Hegemony and Music

Carlos Palombini cpalombini em gmail.com
Qui Jul 19 21:28:45 BRT 2018

Call for Papers - Hegemony and Music

Association of Ethnomusicology

Hegemony and Music (Year II Issue III)

Call for Papers

Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Okan Murat Öztürk (Ankara Music and Fine Arts
University Musicology Department)

Deadline for Article Submissions: December 31, 2018

Hegemony has two faces. There is domination and oppression on the one side,
compliance and obedience on the other. Hegemony, in every field from the
scale of individual, concept or
attitude to international relations, and also from science, technology,
culture, art and philosophy to global politics and economics, is a living
phenomenon. It is almost impossible
to escape from hegemony; it has a nature and a function that does not
accept any gap. In every situation and condition, hegemony is a phenomenon
that can be felt, seen, heard, and
perceived, even if it is not fully explicable by its complete meaning,
scope and function. For this reason, it is possible to observe hegemony in
scholarly researches; to analyze through
various indicators, and to understand how it works.

It is true that there are mutual and strong relations between hegemony and
music at every period of history. The various styles, genres, tendencies,
attitudes and feelings that emerge in music, together with the components
such as identity and belonging, constitute very important indicators in
terms of hegemony studies as a fact. In other words, there is the
possibility to analyze hegemony and even the struggles and relations of
power in establishing it, through music. In this sense, music and the
concepts, fields, phenomena and processes that were shaped around it
provide a great deal of material to the hegemony studies. Hence, hegemony
and music constitute an independent area of investigation and research.

In this issue, Etnomüzikoloji Journal deals with the subject of hegemony
through the field of music. This volume which will have a multidisciplinary
content within ethnomusicology
focuses on how hegemony uses music and how hegemony can be established and
operated through music.

For article writing rules: http://www.etnomuzikoloji.org/sureli_yayinlar

For manuscript submission and further questions regarding the issue:
okan_murat_ozturk em hotmail.com

For technical questions or information: info em etnomuzikoloji.org -
etnomuzikolojidernegi em gmail.com


carlos palombini, ph.d. (dunelm)
professor de musicologia ufmg
professor permanente ppgm-unirio

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