[FWD cdmc] - 29/2007 -

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Sex Ago 3 13:13:25 BRT 2007

*FWD cdmc  - 29   03/08/2007 *




*CAIXA POSTAL  6136 - CEP 13083-859*



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1 -       P  A   I  S  A  G  E  M - apresenta: PIERRE BOULEZ (domingo,
05/Ago, 21:00hs - Radio USP FM, SP) http://www.usp.br/radiousp<#_Toc173909923>

2 -       NOTICIA: Compositores Guerra-Peixe e Alberto Nepomuceno têm suas
obras analisadas em dois lançamentos editoriais (Jul/2007 - Rio de Janeiro,
RJ) <#_Toc173909924>

3 -       PROCESSO SELETIVO: Professor Substituto, Universidade Federal de
São Carlos (10/Ago - Sao Carlos, SP, Brasil) <#_Toc173909925>

4 -       RECITAL: Duo CordAria (Alemanha), música nova para flauta e violão
(08/Ago, 20:00hs - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil) <#_Toc173909926>

5 -       AUDITIONS: Percussion, 1st and 2nd Violin. Prague Symphony
Orchestra (DEADLINES: 14/Ago and 12/Set - Praga, Rep. Tcheca)<#_Toc173909927>

6 -       AUDITIONS: Flute w/ piccolo, bassoon, brass instruments, viola and
cello. Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra (Set/2007 - Bergen,

7 -       AUDITIONS: Timpani. Oslo Filharmonien (17-19/Set - Oslo,

8 -       AUDITIONS: Associate Principal Oboe / Second Oboe, New Zealand
Symphony Orchestra (DEADLINE: 28/Set - Wellington, Nova

9 -       AUDITIONS: Principal Oboe, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra (DEADLINE:
20/Ago - Toquio, Japao) <#_Toc173909931>

10 -     CALL FOR PAPERS: The International Association of Music Libraries,
Archives, and Documentation Centres (DEADLINE: 15/Set - Napoles,

11 -     COMPETITION: 11th International Carl Flesch Violin Competition
(DEADLINE: 01/Abr/2008 - Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungria) <#_Toc173909933>

12 -     COMPOSITION COMPETITION: 2nd Pierrot Lunaire International
Composition Competition 2008 (DEADLINE: 15/Mai/2008 - Viena,

13 -     CONCERTO: Orquesta Sinfónica del SODRE, Reg. Arturo Tamayo
(Espanha). Obras de Fernando García (Chile), Mariano Etkin e Gerardo Gandini
(Argentina), Alfredo del Mónaco (Venezuela). (07/Ago, 20:00hs - Montevideo,
Uruguai) <#_Toc173909935>

14 -     CONCERTO: CIMA (Colectivo de Intérpretes de Música Actual). Obras
de Franco Donatoni, Salvatore Sciarrino (06/Ago - Santiago,

15 -     CONCOURS: Prix Pierre-Jean Jouve de Composition Musicale
(01/Jan/2008 - <#_Toc173909937>

16 -     CONVOCATORIA: Festival Internacional de Artes Electrónicas y Video
Transitio_mx 02 (LIMITE: 24/Ago - Cidade do Mexico, Mexico) <#_Toc173909938>

17 -     MEETING: 14th Young Composers Meeting 2008 (DEADLINE: 15/Out -
Apeldoorn, Holanda) <#_Toc173909939>

18 -     WORKSHOPS: Musiques & Recherches (Ago-Set/2007 - Ohain,


1. P  A   I  S  A  G  E  M - apresenta: PIERRE BOULEZ (domingo, 05/Ago,
21:00hs - Radio USP FM, SP) http://www.usp.br/radiousp


De: ja.mannis em uol.com.br

radio usp fm 93,7 MHz
cdmc unicamp

P  A  I  S  A  G  E  M

domingo - 05/Ago/2007 - 21:00hs


PAISAGEM divulga obras disponíveis no acervo do CDMC da Unicamp e destaca
neste programa o compositor PIERRE BOULEZ no álbum BOULEZ: ORQUESTRA DE
PARIS, DANIEL BAREMBOIM Selo ERATO, 1990, apresentado por Robert
Piencikowski, pesquisador da Fundação Paul Sacher. Excertos de comentários
do musicólogo citados neste programa.

Obras apresentadas:

* Messagesquisse
para violoncelo solo e grupo de seis violoncelos.

Solistas da Orquestra de Paris: Jeanine Tétard, Hikaru Sato, Pierre Degenne,
Guy Besnard, Etienne Péclard, Jean-Luc Bourre.
Violoncelo solo: Albert Tétard.
Obra composta em 1976 e dedicada a Paul Sacher, grande mecenas da música
contemporânea européia no séc. XX. Às seis letras do nome SACHER : S - A - C
- H - E - R, correspondem as seis notas do acorde inicial de Messagesquisse,
prolongado por ressonâncias. No decorrer dos seis movimentos desta peça, as
alturas tocadas pelo solista se prolongam e se proliferam pelo grupo de
violoncelos, constituindo uma sonoridade que, anos mais tarde, levou o
compositor à elaboração da obra Répons.

* Rituel

para orquestra dividida em oito grupos.

Orquestra de Paris, direção Daniel Barenboim.
A organização musical baseia-se na permanência de um bloco harmônico de sete
sons. Formalmente há um principio de acumulação e dissolução da textura
musical em uma sucessão alternativa de momentos contrastantes. Blocos
estritos e de escrita harmônica, nos quais o substrato é confiado aos
metais, sustentados por percussões com ressonância longa, alternam-se a
seqüências livres, heterofônicas, de densidade crescente, nas quais os
instrumentos de percussão de ressonância curta marcam os andamentos seguidos
pelos demais instrumentos.

* Notation 1 - Modéré - Fantasque
* Notation 4 - Rythmique
* Notation 3 - Très modere
* Notation 2 - Très Vif - Strident

Orquestra de Paris, direção Daniel Barenboim

Adaptação orquestral de quatro das 12 Notações, obra de juventude composta
em 1945, originariamente escritas para piano.


programas realizados pela radio usp fm em colaboração com o cdmc-unicamp
seleção musical, apresentação, roteiro, edição e montagem:
josé augusto mannis (compositor e professor da unicamp)

jamannis em unicamp.br
(ao vivo)


2. NOTICIA: Compositores Guerra-Peixe e Alberto Nepomuceno têm suas obras
analisadas em dois lançamentos editoriais (Jul/2007 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ)


De: http://www.vivamusica.com.br/noticia.php?id=394


"Guerra-Peixe: um músico brasileiro". era um desejo do compositor,
orquestrador, professor e instrumentista. Ele mesmo traçou as linhas gerais
do projeto que consistiria na análise e avaliação de toda sua obra por
autores por ele selecionados. Falecido em 1993, Guerra-Peixe não viu a obra
tornar-se realidade. Foi somente sete anos depois, em 2000, que o projeto
foi retomado por três de seus amigos: a pianista Ruth Serrão, o compositor,
arranjador, pianista e musicólogo Antonio Guerreiro de Faria e a antropóloga
Luitgarde Oliveira.

Em "Guerra-Peixe: um músico brasileiro" há 12 artigos com temas e autores
escolhidos pelo compositor, Depoimentos de amigos e músicos admiradores de
sua obra e influenciados por seu pensamento completam a publicação. Assinam
os artigos, entre outros, o compositor Ernani Aguiar, o crítico musical Luiz
Paulo Horta e a pianista Sônia Maria Vieira. Lançamento da Editora Lumiar.

"Música, sociedade e política: Alberto Nepomuceno e a república musical" foi
tema da dissertação de mestrado de Avelino Romero, professor de História da
Música na UNIRIO. O livro analisa vida e obra de Alberto Nepomuceno,
considerado precursor do nacionalismo musical no Brasil, jogando luz nas
discussões políticas e musicais da época do compositor. Lançamento da
editora da UFRJ.


3. PROCESSO SELETIVO: Professor Substituto, Universidade Federal de São
Carlos (10/Ago - Sao Carlos, SP, Brasil)



EDITAL Nº 057/2007
A Secretária Geral de Recursos Humanos da Universidade Federal de São
Carlos, torna público que estão abertas as inscrições para Processo Seletivo
Simplificado destinado a contratação de PROFESSOR SUBSTITUTO, nos termos da
Lei nº 8.745/93, 9.849/99 e 10.667/03 no período de 30/07 a 10/08/2007
(somente dias úteis), no horário das 08H00 às 11H00 e das 14H00 às 17H00,
para suprir necessidade dos Departamentos abaixo descritos:

Área: Educação Musical.
Sub-área/Disciplinas: Criação Musical 3; Som e Produção Musical; Percepção e
Notação Musical 4.
01 vaga
Qualificacao exigida: Graduação em Educação Musical, Música ou Artes.
40 horas semanais
inscricao: R$ 25,00

Área: Educação Musical.
Sub-área/Disciplinas: Percussão 2; Violão Popular 1; Linguagem e
Estruturação Musical 2.
01 vaga
Qualificacao exigida: Graduação em Música, Artes ou Educação Musical.
40 horas semanais
inscricao: R$ 25,00

Área: Educação Musical.
Sub-área/Disciplinas: Pesquisa em Educação Musical; Tópicos em Educação,
Cultura e Sociedade 1-4; História Social da Música 2; Educação Musical:
Prática e Ensino 2.
01 vaga
Qualificacao exigida: Graduação em Educação Musical, Música, Artes ou
Ciências Humanas.
40 horas semanais
inscricao: R$ 25,00

Área: Educação Musical.
Sub-área/Disciplinas: Educação Musical: Prática e Ensino 4; Métodos,
Técnicas e Fundamentos em Educação Musical 1; Expressão Corporal, Movimento
e Dança; Musicoterapia.
01 vaga
Qualificacao exigida: Graduação com experiência comprovada em Educação
Musical, com interfaces em Movimento, Dança e Processos Terapêuticos
utilizados em ambientes de Educação Musical.
40 horas semanais
inscricao: R$ 25,00


1.1-    As inscrições serão efetuadas no período acima mencionado, mediante
recolhimento da taxa de inscrição no Banco do Brasil S/A, em favor da
nº 1.888-0, Conta Corrente nº 5996-x (Código dv): 6033-x.

1.2- Para acessar a íntegra deste edital e a ficha de inscrição, clique no
nome do departamento de seu interesse ou dirija-se ao Departamento de
Desenvolvimento de Pessoal da Secretaria Geral de Recursos Humanos/UFSCar,
onde o candidato poderá se inscrever pessoalmente ou por procurador legal e
também por via postal (SEDEX ou serviço similar), desde que a inscrição seja
recebida pelo DeDP/SRH, dentro do prazo estabelecido para inscrição.

1.2.1. As inscrições, por via postal, deverão conter identificação (área) do
processo seletivo para o qual o candidato está se inscrevendo devendo ser
remetidas para o seguinte endereço:


A/C: Departamento de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal / Secretaria Geral de
Recursos Humanos/UFSCar
Rodovia Washington Luiz Km, 235 - Cx. Postal 676, CEP. 13565-905 - SÃO

1.2.2. A instituição não se responsabilizará por inscrições via postal, não
recebidas até o termino do período previsto neste edital.


2.1- A inscrição implicará no conhecimento na  tácita aceitação das
condições estabelecidas no edital do concurso.

São Carlos, 26 de julho de 2.007.

Maria de Lourdes Tasso de S. Martins
Secretária Geral de Recursos Humanos


4. RECITAL: Duo CordAria (Alemanha), música nova para flauta e violão
(08/Ago, 20:00hs - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil)


De: extmusica em ufrgs.br

Recital do duo Alemão CordAria

com a Flautista Barbara Kahlert e Violonista Oliver Thedieck

CordAria - música nova para flauta e violão

O duo CordAria principiou no começo do ano 2006. A ênfase dos dois
intérpretes, Barbara Kahlert e Oliver Thedieck, é o repertório contemporâneo
para violão e flauta.

O presente programa oferece não só adaptações para flauta e violão (Chick
Correa: "Canções Infantis no. 4", adaptadas por O. Thedieck) mas também
composições originais (Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: 'Sonatina para flauta e
violão', Ulrich Wedlich: 'Sonata em três movimentos', Ernest Cordero:
'Fantasia Mulata').

O concerto termina com duas canções folclóricas macedônias, musicadas por
Miroslav Tadic, e uma obra de Jason R. Taylor chamada 'Luz de Inverno'
(adaptada especialmente para CordAria pelo compositor).

Dia 08/08/07

no Auditorium Tasso Corrêa,
(Rua Sr. dos Passos, 248  - Centro - Porto Alegre/RS)

às 20:00h



Chick Corea: Children's Song No. 4 (adaptada por O.Thedieck)

Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Sonatina para flauta e violão (op.205)

Jason R. Taylor: Luz de Inverno - Confissões na Chuva Levemente, uma dança
de manhã cedo

Miroslav Tadic: Jovka Kumanovka

Ulrich Wedlich: Sonata em três movimentos

Ernesto Cordero: Fantasia Mulata, Teneramente

Notas Biográficas:

Barbara Kahlert, que nasceu em 1979, começou os seus estudos no liceu de
Erlangen, Alemanha, especializando-se em música e ganhando prémios em vários
concursos nacionais de música. Em 1998 entrou na Academia de Música em
Würzburgo, aonde teve aulas com Hanna Feist. Licenciou-se em 2002. Barbara é
professora de flauta desde 1998 e professora em Munique desde setembro de
2005. Além de ser membro regular de diferentes orquestras, Barbara toca
frequentemente como solista, e é muito requisitada atuando com outros grupos
de música de câmara.

Oliver Thedieck nasceu em Hanover, Alemanha, em 1978. Começou tocar violão
aos 11 anos e estudou na Universidade de Bath Spa, em Inglaterra, com James
Woodrow, de 2000 a 2003. Depois de se ter licenciado com uma diploma de
interpretação deslocou-se para Munique, onde trabalha hoje em dia como
intérprete independente e professor. Oliver colabora com vários grupos
musicais e ao mesmo tempo leva uma vida muito ativa como compositor,
adaptador e regente.


5. AUDITIONS: Percussion, 1st and 2nd Violin. Prague Symphony Orchestra
(DEADLINES: 14/Ago and 12/Set - Praga, Rep. Tcheca)


De: http://www.fok.cz/HTML_EN/index_new2s.html


* Section Drums with the obligation of Timpani

The audition will be held on 14 September 2007 in the Sladkovský Hall of the
Municipal House. Application is by covering letter with full CV. To be
received by 14 August 2007.

Please send to:
t.gregurek em fok.cz
Symfonický orchestr hl. m. Prahy FOK
Orchestrální kancelář
nám. Republiky 5
110 00 Praha 1
phone: +420 222, 002 580, +420 222 311 900

* Section 1st and 2nd Violin

The audition will be held on 6 September 2007 (1st violin) and 12 October
2007 (2nd violin) in the Sladkovský Hall of the Municipal House. Application
is by covering letter with full CV. To be received by 6 August and 12
September 2007.

Please send to:
t.gregurek em fok.cz
Symfonický orchestr hl. m. Prahy FOK
Orchestrální kancelář
nám. Republiky 5
110 00 Praha 1
phone: +420 222, 002 580, +420 222 311 900


6. AUDITIONS: Flute w/ piccolo, bassoon, brass instruments, viola and cello.
Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra (Set/2007 - Bergen, Noruega)




Plan auditions in September for the following instruments:

- 2nd flute w/ piccolo (1/2 year contract)
- tutti bassoon (1/2 year contract)
- Substitute audition all brass instruments, viola and cello

for further details please contact
Nils Olaf Solberg
(47) 55 21 62 68
email: nils.o.solberg em harmonien.no

Please send CV and application with to the above email address, or to the
following postal address:

Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester
att. Nils Olaf Solberg
Edvard Griegs plass 1
N-5015 Bergen


7. AUDITIONS: Timpani. Oslo Filharmonien (17-19/Set - Oslo, Noruega)


De: http://www.oslophil.com/no/English/Vacancies/


Principal Timpani
Audition: September 17th, 18th & 19th
(2pm-8pm 17th+18th, 19th with orchestra)
Application deadline:  August 20th 2007

Audition requirements:
Orchestral Excerpts - downloadable here (PDF-files):






Vacancy commencing: October 2007


5 Adams Philharmonic Light with Dresden pedal system, calf skin, Size : 32 -
29 - 26 - 25 - 20 .  Timpani Chair ( Kolberg ) also available

Auditions will take place in the Oslo Concert Hall (Chamber Hall)

Send CV and written application, and any questions regarding the audition
and position, by e-mail to timpani2007 em oslofilharmonien.no

Note that due to the summer holiday, questions regarding the audition will
be responded to after August 6th.


8. AUDITIONS: Associate Principal Oboe / Second Oboe, New Zealand Symphony
Orchestra (DEADLINE: 28/Set - Wellington, Nova Zelandia)


De: http://www.nzso.co.nz/meet_the_nzso/jobs


Audition date: Wednesday 10 October
Application closing date (no late applications will be considered): Friday
28 September

This position is open to all applicants.

Level 2, MOB, 101
Wakefield St
P O Box 6640
Wellington, New Zealand.

Phone: 64-4-04-801-3992
Fax: 64-4-04-801-3978
Email: ushab em nzso.co.nz
Web page: http://www.nzso.co.nz


Monday 30 July, 2007


Thank you for your enquiry regarding the upcoming oboe auditions with the

Applications close on Friday 28 September 2007, and the audition will be
held in Wellington on Wednesday 10 October 2007. If you are unable to travel
to Wellington for the audition, you may submit an audition recording. All
recorded auditions must reach us no later than Friday 5 October.

The first two rounds of the live auditions will be held in anonymity behind
screens. The screens may be removed for the third round. You will be advised
on the morning of the audition which excerpts will be required for each
round Accompanists will not be required and there will not be a piano
provided. All audition recordings must be unaccompanied.

If you wish to send a recording the sound reproduction should be of high
quality and therefore studio recorded. I suggest that you record onto a CD,
mini disk, DAT tape (which should be indexed). Audition recordings should be
unedited. All excerpts should be on a separate track, and a track listing
must be provided. Please record the solo works first, followed by the
excerpts. Recordings will only be returned at your request.

The winning candidate/s will be invited to play for a trial period with the
orchestra. The results will be notified soon after the audition date. If you
have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to
receiving your application by Friday 28 September. With best wishes,

Yours sincerely
Usha Bhana
Orchestra Personnel Officer


9. AUDITIONS: Principal Oboe, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra (DEADLINE: 20/Ago -
Toquio, Japao)


De: http://www.tokyosymphony.com/aboutTSO/E-audition.html

Principal Oboe

<Audition Repertoire>

All applicants are responsible for preparing their pianist.

Preliminary audition:

1) Mozart: 1st Mvt. and 2nd Mvt. from Oboe Concerto
2) Orchestra Excerpts

Final audition:

1) Mozart: 1st Mvt. and 2nd Mvt. from Oboe Concerto
2) Orchestra Excerpts
* Excerpts will be supplied after the resume screening.

<Audition Schedule and venues>

Preliminary Round: September 7, 2007 4:00p.m.
at Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall

Final Round: September 25, 2007 5:00p.m.
at Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall

<How to Apply for a Posted Vacancy>

Please specify audition/position on all correspondence (e.g., "Oboe
We can only accept applications for posted vacancies.
Application Deadline at 6:00 p.m. August 20, 2007 (Japan time)
Resumes must be received on or before the listed deadline.

Please send all materials to

Audition Coordinator
Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Kawasaki Office
Muza Kawasaki Central Tower fl.5
1310 Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku
Kawasaki City, Kanagawa
212-8554, JAPAN
Tel: +81-44-520-1518 Fax: +81-44-543-1488



* We can only accept applications for posted vacancies.

* Applicants should send their name, address, phone number, e-mail address,
and a resume (including year and date of birth, principal teachers, and your
musical experience) with your portrait.

* Please translate your resume into English if it is written by other

* Please specify audition/position on all correspondence (e.g., "Principal
Cello ")

* Resume screening will take place before preliminary auditions.

* During the auditions and after the auditions, no inquiry, please.

* Tokyo Symphony Orchestra will not provide any transportation expenses and

We prefer that you apply by mail,
but you also may apply via E-mail to: tokyosymphony em musicinfo.com
(Please attach your resume in Microsoft Word format only.)

For the title of the email, please write "Principal Oboe Audition

About the Venue

Muza-Kawasaki Symphony Hall
Assembly Hall in Muza-Kawasaki
1310 Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa
JR Kawasaki Station, West Exit. 17 minutes from Tokyo Station by


10. CALL FOR PAPERS: The International Association of Music Libraries,
Archives, and Documentation Centres (DEADLINE: 15/Set - Napoles, Italia)


The International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and
Documentation Centres (IAML) will hold its annual conference 20-25 July 2008
in Naples, Italy. Conference sessions will be held at the Conservatory of
Music "S. Pietro a Majella." As such, the IAML Programme Committee invites
proposals of paper presentations for the meeting which concern music,
collections, and/or library issues that focus on Italy, Italian music and
Italian publishers, although presentations of a general nature are also
welcome. The online submission form for proposals may be found at the
following link:

http://www.iaml.info/activities/conferences/call_for_papers. Proposals

must be submitted by 15 September 2007 in order to be considered.

Jim Cassaro
Chair, IAML Programme Committee


11. COMPETITION: 11th International Carl Flesch Violin Competition
(DEADLINE: 01/Abr/2008 - Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungria)


De: http://www.filharmoniabp.hu/page.asp?id=615



8-15 June, 2008


The 11th International Carl Flesch Violin Competition organized by the
Municipality of Mosonmagyaróvár, the Philharmonia Budapest Concert Agency
and the Ms. Fejes Music Foundation will take place between 8 and 15 June


The competition is open to all European violinists who were born on or after
1 January 1980. Competitors can participate from all over the world if they
can certify at least two years of musical studies in Europe.

Word application form

PDF application form

The application form should be mailed by 1 February 2008 (at the latest) to
the address of Philharmonia Budapest Concert Agency (H-1066 Budapest, Jókai
u. 6.)

All of the following documents must be enclosed with the application form:
a/ brief curriculum vitae
b/ certificate of musical qualification
c/ letter of recommendation from a prominent personality in music life
d/ two recent photographs with your name on the back
e/ the copy of the receipt about the transfer of the entry fee
f/ in case of competitors out of Europe, a certificate of their European

The entry fee of equivalent to EUR 100 is to be remitted to the following
bank account:

HU 37 5950 0179 1000 4665 0000 0000
Flesch Competition
(Please cover the costs of the transfer!)

The application is valid only after the entry free payed in and the letter
of confirmation has been received.

The entrance fee will not be refunded to contestants who withdraw from the

Candidates will be informed of the acceptance of their application by 1
April 2008.


The competition will take place in the Great Hall of the Károly Flesch
Culture Center (Mosonmagyaróvár, Engels u. 14.)

Before each stage competitors have the opportunity of a short rehearsal at
the venue of the competition.

The competition is divided into three rounds: preliminary, semi-final,
final. All rounds will be open to the public. The order of appearance will
be decided by ballot at the opening of the competition. This order will be
valid throughout the competition.

The Organizing Committee has distinguished official piano accompanists
available to the competitors free of charge. Competitors may bring their own
accompanist at their own expense if they wish so.

After the distribution of the prizes, the prizewinners will perform at a
Gala Concert. No payment will be made for this or any of the contestants'
performances, radio and TV recordings during the competition, and any
further use of these recordings.


The jury will evaluate the performances with points ranging from 1 to 25.

The competitors selected for the next round will be listed in alphabetical

Usually the jury will select 12 contestants for the semifinal and 6
contestants for the final round.

The jury reserves the right to decide whether or not to award the prizes, or
to change the contents of any of the prizes. The jury's decisions are final
and are not open to any appeal or discussion.


Eszter Perényi, President - Hungary
Márta Ábrahám, Hungary
Michael Frischenschlager, Austria
Itzhak Rashkovsky, Israel/Great-Britain
Angel Stankov, Bulgaria


The organizers of the competition offer accommodation possibility in youth
hostel for the participants of the competition and their accompaniment. It
is about 10-15 minutes walk from the venue of the competition.

The price of accommodation in double room is about 12-14 EUR/night/person.
Those selected to play in the final will be the guests of the organizers
till the end of the competition.


First prizeEUR 4000 net
Second prizeEUR 3000 net
Third prizeEUR 2000 net

Beyond these - special prizes will be offered to the winners as well.


I. Preliminary

A./ One work by J. S. Bach from the following group chosen by the

Partita in E major BWV 1006
Partita in B minor BWV 1002
Partita in D minor BWV 1004 - Chaconne
Sonata in G minor BWV 1001 - Adagio and Fugue
Sonata in A minor BWV 1003 - Grave and Fugue
Sonata in C major BWV 1005 - Adagio and Fugue

B./ N. Paganini: Caprice (chosen by the competitor)

C./ One contemporary Hungarian work chosen from the followings:

István Láng: Flashes Z.7124
Miklós Csemiczky: Sonata 1st movement Z.12387
György Orbán: Sonata Z.13441

Editor of the contemporary Hungarian pieces:
Editio Musica, www.emb.hu

II. Semi-final

A./ One concerto from the followings, chosen by the competitor, 1st and 2nd
movements with piano:

Violin Concerto in G major K. 216. (Cadencia)
Violin Concerto in D major K. 218. (Cad. Joachim)
Violin Concerto in A major K. 219. (Cad. Joachim)

B./ One virtuoso work chosen by the competitor


12. COMPOSITION COMPETITION: 2nd Pierrot Lunaire International Composition
Competition 2008 (DEADLINE: 15/Mai/2008 - Viena, Austria)


De: http://www.pierrotlunaire.at/


The Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r) announces its second Pierrot Lunaire
International Composition Competition for the year 2008. Composers from all
over the world without age limitation -are invited to present works for the
Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r).

Created on an initiative of the Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r), the Pierrot
Lunaire International Competition 2008 will launch its second edition during
the 2009-2010 seasons. To be presented every two years, this competition for
chamber works will be open to composers of all nationalities. Its aim is to
encourage and promote musical creation while developing lasting ties between
the Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r) and the composers of today and, in this
way, actively contribute to a renewal of the chamber repertoire.

II. Pierrot Lunaire International Composition Competition (PDF)

I. Prize for the winning Composition

1. Prize: Euro 5.000.- and minimum three performances by the Pierrot Lunaire
Ensemble Wien(r) during its 2009-2010 international concert tour season.

II. Conditions for entry

* There are no age limit or nationality restrictions for composers.

* Instruments: The compositions submitted for the competition must use the
following instruments, either together or in sectors, involving a minimum of
2 performers and a maximum of 5, without conductor.

Flute (single performer including piccolo, G alto flute and C bass flute)
Clarinet in B-flat (single performer including A-clarinet and B-flat bass
Violin (single performer)
Cello (single performer)
Piano (single performer)

* Scores will not be accepted if they differ even marginally from the
possibilities listed above.

* The works duration must be between 5 and 10 minutes. The scores must be
unpublished and never been performed in public, broadcast and/or awarded a
prize in other competitions.

* Deadline for entries: All entries must be received before 15 May 2008
(certified by the post office stamp)

* The material necessary for performance will be requested after the jury
has reached its decision August 2008 and must be available for the ensemble
free of charge. The materials must arrive before 1 November 2008.

III. Entry Fee

The composition must be submitted along with an entry fee of EURO 65,- or an
equivalent amount in your local currency payable to the

Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien
Internat. Bank Account Number (IBAN): AT16 1200 0516 4459 7101

* A copy of the transfer document must be included with the score.

* The entry fees are non-refundable.

IV. Other conditions

* Scores to be under pseudonym, with a sealed envelope containing the
composer's real name, address, date of birth and copy of the Entry Fee
transfer document.

* Year of composition must be marked on the score. Midi realisations of
scores may be included with materials.

* Only one entry per person will be accepted.

* Compositions entered will not be returned, and will we keep in the Pierrot
Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r) Archives.

* Winners can not be subsidised to attend the performance.

* The compositions will be judged by the Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r)

* The Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r) reserves the right to make no award if
the entries are deemed to be of insufficient standard.

* The jury's decision is final and cannot be legally challenged.
Furthermore, the jury reserves the right to award no prizes if, after the
evaluation of all submitted works.

* The scores remain the property of the Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r).

* Scores submissions via fax or e-mail cannot be accepted.


Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien(r) is not able to consider works that do not
conform to the guidelines outlined above and cannot accept any
responsibility for scores or any other materials lost, misdirected or
damaged while in transit.


Participation in the Competition implies the unconditional acceptance of
this announcement, as well as consent for the use of the contestant's
personal data.

Address for entries/information

Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien
Bindergasse 11/24
1090 Wien
email: office[at]pierrotlunaire.at
web: www.pierrotlunaire.at


13. CONCERTO: Orquesta Sinfónica del SODRE, Reg. Arturo Tamayo (Espanha).
Obras de Fernando García (Chile), Mariano Etkin e Gerardo Gandini
(Argentina), Alfredo del Mónaco (Venezuela). (07/Ago, 20:00hs - Montevideo,


De: nmnm em adinet.com.uy

núcleo música nueva de montevideo

arturo tamayo dirige
compositores latinoamericanos
con la ossodre

El martes 7 de agosto a las 20:00 horas el SODRE y el Núcleo Música Nueva
coorganizan, con el apoyo del Centro Cultural de España, un concierto
sinfónico extraordinario integrado por obras de compositores
latinoamericanos actuales. El concierto tendrá lugar en la sala del Teatro
El Galpón, con entrada libre.

En esta oportunidad, se escucharán, en primera audición para el Uruguay, las
siguientes obras: "Luces y sombras" (2003) del chileno Fernando García
(1930), "Resplandores sombras" (1986) del argentino Mariano Etkin (1943),
"Cadencias II" (1967) del también argentino Gerardo Gandini (1936) y "Túpac
Amaru" (1977) del venezolano Alfredo del Mónaco (1938).

La OSSODRE será dirigida por uno de los más reconocidos directores europeos
especializados en música de nuestro tiempo, el español Arturo Tamayo, quien
nos visita por vez primera. Por otra parte, Gerardo Gandini actuará como
pianista invitado en su obra.

La presencia de Tamayo en Montevideo constituye sin duda un importante
acontecimiento. Nacido en Madrid, realizó allí sus primeros estudios
musicales, que amplió en otros países europeos. Sus profesores de dirección
de orquesta fueron Pierre Boulez, Francis Travis y Witold Rowicki. Realizó
paralelamente estudios de composición con, entre otros, Wolfgang Fortner y
Klaus Huber.

Arturo Tamayo tiene en su haber una impresionante lista de obras que han
sido estrenadas bajo su batuta, de compositores de la relevancia de John
Cage, Iannis Xenakis, Giacinto Scelsi, Klaus Huber, Brian Ferneyhough,
Wolfgang Rihm, Mauricio Ohana, Sylvano Bussotti, Niccolò Castiglioni, Luis
de Pablo, Mauricio Kagel, Giacomo Manzoni o Philippe Manoury. Ha colaborado
directamente con varios de los más eminentes compositores de nuestro tiempo:
Pierre Boulez, Luciano Berio, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Olivier Messiaen,
Goffredo Petrassi, Luigi Nono, Witold Lutoslawski, Morton Feldman, Helmut
Lachenmann, Salvatore Sciarrino,...

Su producción discográfica es amplia y variada. Entre sus últimas
grabaciones se pueden destacar los 3 CDs dedicados a la obra orquestal de
Mauricio Ohana que han recibido 16 premios internacionales, los monográficos
dedicados a Goffredo Petrassi y Franco Donatoni, así como la grabación de
las obras de orquesta de Iannis Xenakis, en curso de realización - cuyos
tres primeros CDs aparecidos hasta la fecha han recibido varios premios
internacionales -.

Ha sido director invitado por los más importantes festivales de música
europeos (Salzburgo, Lucerna, Wien Modern, Proms de Londres, Biennale de
Venecia, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Holland Festival, Festival de Otoño de
París, Berliner Musikbiennale, Kölner Triennale, etc.). Dirige las más
importantes orquestas europeas, tales como la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio
de Baviera, Radio Symphonie Orchester Berlin, Radio Symphonie Orchester
Frankfurt, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin,
Rundfunk-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, WDR-Orchester Köln, Rundfunk
Symphonieorchester Stuttgart, Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Wien, BBC Symphony
Orchestra, London Sinfonietta, Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchestre Nationale
de France, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Orchestre Nationale de
l'Île de France, Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, Orchestre de Bordeaux
Aquitaine, Ensemble Intercontemporain, Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon,
Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande,
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Basler Symphonie Orchester, Orchestra
Nazionale della RAI di Torino, Orchestra dell'Accademia Santa Cecilia di
Roma, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Orchestra dell'Opera di
Roma, Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice, Orquesta de la Residencia de la Haya,
Sinfónica de la Radio de Hilversum, Orchestre Nationale de Belgique,
Orchestre Philharmonique d'Anvers, Orquesta Sinfónica de Praga, Orquesta
Sinfónica Nacional de Argentina, Philarmonisches Orchester Oslo, y la casi
totalidad de las orquestas españolas. Como director de ópera se ha
presentado en numerosos teatros, entre los cuales se cuentan la Deutsche
Oper de Berlín, la Wiener Staatsoper, el Covent Garden de Londres, el Teatro
La Fenice de Venecia, la Ópera de Roma, el Teatro Real de Madrid, la Ópera
Cómica de París, la Ópera de Graz y la Sadler's Wells Opera de Londres,
ofreciendo un amplio repertorio que va de Mozart y Bellini a estrenos
absolutos de Rihm, Bussotti o Klaus Huber, sin olvidar obras de repertorio
poco habituales como "Lulu" de Alban Berg, "Moisés y Arón" de Arnold
Schoenberg o "Doktor Faust" de Ferruccio Busoni.


14. CONCERTO: CIMA (Colectivo de Intérpretes de Música Actual). Obras de
Franco Donatoni, Salvatore Sciarrino (06/Ago - Santiago, Chile)


De: fundamus em vtr.net

Temporada de Conciertos 2007

Programa No. 5 - Lunes 6 de Agosto

Franco Donatoni - Salvatore Sciarrino
Algo - About - Canzona di ringraziamento

CIMA (Colectivo de Intérpretes de Música Actual)

Karina Fischer: flautas
Guillermo Lavado: flautas
Cecilia Carrère: violín
Isidro Rodríguez: violín & viola
Luis Alberto Latorre: piano
Invitado: Diego Castro, guitarra
Sala del Goethe-Institut Santiago. Esmeralda 650 (MetroBellas Artes) 20.00horas
Entrada Liberada


15. CONCOURS: Prix Pierre-Jean Jouve de Composition Musicale (01/Jan/2008 -


Edition 2007-2008

Règlement du concours


Dans l'esprit de la thématique du Printemps des poètes 2007, "Lettera
amorosa", une commande d'un texte poétique a été passée au poète français
André Velter. Le poème intitulé Cet univers-là, servira de support à
l'écriture de la pièce musicale. Le poème est disponible sur simple demande.

Il sera transmis à chaque candidat lors de son inscription.


L'oeuvre, d'une durée de 15 minutes minimum, utilisera l'effectif suivant :
une voix parlée utilisant l'intégralité du texte poétique, piano, clavecin,
percussions avec marimba obligé (devant être jouées par un seul

S'il le souhaite, le compositeur complètera cet effectif par un instrument
de son choix ou par une voix chantée et/ou un dispositif électroacoustique.


Le concours est ouvert aux compositeurs sans limite d'âge. Chaque candidat
doit remplir et retourner une fiche d'inscription à l'Association In & Out,
accompagnée du règlement du droit d'inscription au concours d'un montant de
30 euros (par virement ou par chèque à l'ordre de l' Association In & Out)
Il doit être réglé au moment de l'inscription. Le droit d'inscription ne
pourra en aucun cas être remboursé.


La partition de l'oeuvre composée sera envoyée en 5 exemplaires reliés avant
le 1er janvier 2008 au secrétariat de l'Association In & Out, le cachet de
la Poste faisant foi.

Le lauréat du concours devra fournir un matériel complet comprenant les
parties séparées pour chaque musicien.

Le nom du compositeur ne devra en aucun cas figurer sur le matériel.


Le jury décernera à un seul compositeur le Prix Pierre-Jean Jouve de
composition musicale. Il se réserve le droit de ne pas décerner de prix.

Le Prix est doté d'une somme de 5 000 euros pour le lauréat du concours.


Le jury sera composé de compositeurs ainsi que de musiciens francophones
spécialisés dans l'interprétation de la musique contemporaine. Le jury sera
présidé par le compositeur Yves Prin.


L'oeuvre sera créée en 2008. Elle sera interprétée par l'Ensemble In & Out
avec la participation d'un(e) grand(e) comédien(ne) français(e).

D'autres oeuvres écrites dans le cadre du concours pourront être intégrées
au répertoire de l'Ensemble In & Out et faire l'objet d'une création.

L'ensemble peut, sous certaines conditions, envisager un partenariat avec
les compositeurs qui souhaiteront organiser eux-mêmes la création de leur


Code postal
Date de naissance
Diplômes obtenus

Avez-vous déjà été lauréat d'un prix de composition ? ( ) Oui ( ) Non
Si oui, lequel :

Avez-vous déjà reçu une commande d'Etat ? ( ) Oui ( ) Non

Téléphone portable
Site internet

Merci de joindre à cette inscription votre CV, la liste ou le catalogue de
vos oeuvres, ainsi que, si possible, un enregistrement sur CD d'une de vos
oeuvres les plus représentatives.

( ) J'ai choisi d'ajouter à l'instrumentarium imposé (voix parlée, piano,
clavecin, percussions dont marimba obligé) :
( ) un dispositif électro-acoustique
( ) une voix chantée ou ( ) l'instrument suivant
( ) J'ai choisi de ne rien ajouter à l'instrumentarium proposé.

Je soussigné déclare m'inscrire au concours pour le Prix Pierre-Jean Jouve
de composition musicale.

Je règle la somme de 30 euros correspondant au droit d'inscription (chèque à
l'ordre de l'Association In & Out ou virement bancaire au numéro de compte
suivant : Société Générale de Villefranche sur Saône, nom du compte :
Association In & Out, code SWIFT : SOGEFRPP, Code IBAN : FR76 30003 01194
0003726281950 ).

Je m'engage à envoyer ma pièce avec tout le matériel demandé avant le 1er
janvier 2008 (cachet de la Poste faisant foi).

Fait à  le
Edition 2007-2008

Association In & Out - 10 Champ fleuri 69400 Limas France - Tél. : +33 (0)
660 88 08 63 - Email : ensemble.inout em free.fr
N° SIRET 415 142 140 00011 - Licence de spectacle 2 - 144666


16. CONVOCATORIA: Festival Internacional de Artes Electrónicas y Video
Transitio_mx 02 (LIMITE: 24/Ago - Cidade do Mexico, Mexico)



Festival Internacional de Artes Electrónicas y Video Transitio_mx 02.

El Festival Internacional de Artes Electrónicas y Video, Transitio_mx es la
plataforma en México más relevante para la expresión y análisis de las
prácticas contemporáneas de creación artística con medios electrónicos y de
cultura digital.

El tema de la presente emisión es Fronteras Nómadas, y alude a la línea
simbólica de unión cuyos confines son determinados por la riqueza y
movilidad disciplinaria de la comunidad de las artes electrónicas; esa
frontera es el espacio de acción del Festival, el lugar de la convergencia.
El eje conceptual es: Comunidades en Proceso y Procesos en Comunidad.

El Festival tiene como principal objetivo apoyar, reconocer y difundir la
producción e investigación actual en torno a los medios
artístico-electrónicos y sociales, en un ambiente inclusivo y expansivo a
través de una muestra, un simposio y un concurso.

El concurso está abierto a todos los individuos, grupos y asociaciones
activos en la producción creativa con medios electrónicos como videoarte,
arte sonoro, net-art, instalaciones, artes escénicas, composición, acciones
performáticas y manifestaciones afines.

En la presente emisión, el Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, a
través del Centro Multimedia del Centro Nacional de las Artes, abre la
convocatoria para los siguientes premios:

PREMIO TRANSITIO: convoca a la comunidad nacional e internacional a
participar en el Segundo Concurso de Artes Electrónicas y Video que se
llevará a cabo en el marco de este Festival del 13 al 19 de octubre del

Durante el Festival se otorgarán los siguientes premios como reconocimiento
a obra producida:

- Un premio único con un valor de $ 120,000 pesos M. N. o su equivalente en

- Las menciones honoríficas que el Jurado considere pertinentes.

Las propuestas para este premio se recibirán a partir de la publicación de
esta convocatoria y hasta el 24 de agosto del 2007 a las 18:00 horas. No se
recibirán propuestas fuera de la fecha estipulada, se tomará en cuenta la
fecha del envío si se realiza únicamente por servicio de mensajería Express,
no correo ordinario.


Para obtener la información de las bases de participación para cada premio
así como el Formato de Inscripción y toda la información sobre la
documentación que debe ser incluida, favor de consultar la página de
Internet del Festival http://transitiomx.net o la página del Centro
Multimedia http://cmm.cenart.gob.mx

Para Mayores informes y entrega de documentos dirigirse a:

Centro Nacional de las Artes
Centro Multimedia
Avenida Río Churubusco 79, Colonia Country Club,
C. P. 04220, Coyoacán, México, D. F.
Los horarios de atención son de 10:00 a 15:00 horas

Atención: Ana Villa al teléfono 1253 9400 Ext. 1290

ó al correo: concurso em transitiomx.net


17. MEETING: 14th Young Composers Meeting 2008 (DEADLINE: 15/Out -
Apeldoorn, Holanda)


De: http://iamic.info/node/328


February 17 - 22, 2008, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
deadline: 15 October, 2007

Directors will be: Martijn Padding, Richard Ayres, Rozalie Hirs and Michael
Daugherty. Gerda van Zelm, professor at the Royal Conservatory Den Haag will
be coaching the singers. The meeting will be chaired and supervised by Louis
The senior composers will also teach individually and take care of the
lectures. The program will furthermore consist of concerts, lectures, movies
and an excursion

Requirements for participation:
- Young composers up to 30 years of age and of any nationality are invited
to apply for participation until October 15, 2007.
You are required to send your application to: Orchestra de ereprijs,
P.O.Box1203, 7301 BL Apeldoorn, The Netherlands or by using the entry
form on the
web-page www.ereprijs.nl
'young composers meeting-2008'
- Applicants are requested to send a biography and at least 1 score and a
CD/tape of a recent composition.
- The directors will make a selection of maximum 15 participants. At the
beginning of November the applicants will be informed whether they are
selected or not.
- The selected applicants are requested to enter a short work of about 3
minutes for orchestra de ereprijs. The 3-minute compositions will be
rehearsed during the week and performed at a final concert.
- The 3 minute work should be entered before January 15, 2006.
The instrumentation of 'orchestra de ereprijs' is as follows: 2
flutes/piccolos; clarinet/bassclarinet;1 sopr./bar. sax; 1 alto/sopr. sax;
trumpet; 1 horns; 2 trombones; tuba; electric guitar; bass guitar;
percussion; piano.
And a maximum of) 3 voices: 2 sopranos and 1 mezzo-soprano.
- The costs for participation are 350 Euro including meals and housing
- The participants will be housed in shared rooms in a hotel in Apeldoorn.
- The participants have to take care of their own transport to Apeldoorn on
February 17, 2008.

Three promising composers will be commissioned to write a new composition.
- One composer will be commissioned to write a new concert work for the
ensemble, to be performed during their many concerts. The fee will be €
- A second composer will receive a commission for a solo work by the
Internationale Stichting Masterclass Apeldoorn. The fee will be € 1.500,-
- A third commission will be granted by the Dutch National Youth Orchestra
for their Summer Academy 2009. The fee will be € 2.500,-

Info: Young Composers Meeting, Fleur Noordam, co-ordination, tel:
+31-55-5216346, fax: +31-55-5788797, info em ereprijs.nl, www.ereprijs.nl

De Young Composers Meeting, Ereprijs Light, het ereprijscompositie project,
de Nieuwe Vereniging voor Privé Muziekuitvoeringen en W.I.M! Apeldoorn, are
activities of orkest de ereprijs


18. WORKSHOPS: Musiques & Recherches (Ago-Set/2007 - Ohain, Belgica)


De: f.dubois em musiques-recherches.be

Musiques & Recherches - 3 place de Ransbeck - 1380 Ohain - Belgium


Some places are still available for the following courses :

workshop of   MAX/MSP/Jitter (for advanced users)

from 21-08-2007 to 26-08-2007 by Roald Baudoux

workshop of electroacoustic music composition

from 28-08-2007 to 02-09-2007 by Annette Vande Gorne

(Course mainly given in French)

workshop of spatialised interpretation of acousmatic musics

from 04-09-2006 to 09-09-2006 by Annette Vande Gorne

(Course mainly given in French)
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